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Smelly Sam

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

London is such an amazing place full of worldly wonders that i am fast becoming a great admiror of. walking round london humanizes it and makes it seem that little bit smaller, i would recomend this to anyone! walk everywhere! u get to see soooo much stuff and u get exercise. especially walk through the city at the weekend. ghost town and the monument! that thing is massive. anyways, i am digressing from the point! i come from a little village of near 700 (seven hundred!) people where everyone knows ur name and what ur doing and more than likely why ur doing it. people smile and say hello and its all very plesent but can be rather claustrophobic at times. i know many people who discribe london as lonely, or detached and i see it every day. millions of people ignoring each other. its amazing people can be so, well, detached from each other. in the words of asian dub foundation 'the world is getting smaller and smaller so we can only be getting closer and closer'... so to those of u who live in london (or any major city or town!) i want a call to arms! i want to hear of a new wave of smiling people walking round london. stop and be helpful. thank people with a real fondness, not just a grunted 'cheers', help old ladies onto the bus or people with prams off the bus. as the up and coming generation we have the ability to adapt this city, nay, this country into one of happyness and smiles. i'm not saying we should all walk around with a perma-grin! but i'm saying politness, being kind and generous, offering to help and smiling and being friendly can only make the world a happier place right? happy people become more productive and we can soon have this country in ship shape condition! so my brothers and sisters, i want u to go forth and smilemore! do something good or nice or kind or generous for a stranger today. it might simply be smiling at someone or as far as helping someone with their shopping depending on how much time u have to spare. it makes u feel good. it makes them feel good. and soon we will all feel good! hooorah! You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !

My Interests

.. width="425" height="350" .. making things, braking things and then making them into new things once more! Japanese woodblocks, indian printed textiles, felt makes me a little shaky at the knees, giant pouches and crazy colours, sonic the hedgehog special zone backgrounds, moths (the biggest moth grows to 28cm in wingspan!!) patterns in everything! cleaning, cooking curries, soup, roast veggies oooooh roast veg! haloumi cheese, origami butterflies, cardboard brown and corrigated, pop up books! dancing crazy shapes to dirty dirty techno, electro, country, and all other sorts of music, paper sculptures, the beauty of the throw away object, stencil graffiti, sewing, making, stitching, felting, WALLPAPER! i love it! (so repetative, more colour, more pattern!), football (come on u RAMS!), drinking tea, washing up, stationary, diaries, nature, trees, leaves, plants, grass, frogs, flowers, weird and wonderful creatures that actually exist (like sloths!), layers and layers and layers, tracing paper, fabric, lettraset, architectural diagrams, diagrams in general! readers digest, national geographic, photographs (especialy old family ones where i am pulling a funny face), decay, collage, bricolage, applique, fuzzy felt, circular stickers, the countryside, wide open green fields like patchwork quilts, dry stone walls, silver birch bark, cycling really fast on smoooth tarmac while staring at the floor, getting my hands drity, recycling, the wrong side of knitting, hoods, sweat-shirt fabric. JIFFY BAGS!

I'd like to meet:

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woohooo! my musical numbness has passed me by. now i simply listen to everything on ym computer that i haven't listened to for aaaaages like asian dub foundation! and the rolling stones and lcd sound system and felix the house cat and a frikin load more! i also got some new music stuff from a heather so that is bonza! jeff mills- the blue potential! amazing! and coco rosie! but i still want moooore!


WATERSHIP DOWN! animal farm.. not the filthy one but the great british animation. Kill Bill, Eternal Sunshine, House of Flying Daggers, 28 Days Later, Layer Cake , Life Aquatic, Napoleoon Dynomite, Garden State, Tron, Princess Mononoke, Spirtited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Chopper, Fear and Lothing in Las Vegas the constant gardner, Brick (i love this film), anything by Michel Gondry... ESPECIALLY THE SCIENCE OF SLEEP! i have fallen in love with this film.


Mighty Boosh, Match of the Day, the older i get the more tv seems to bore me. not saying i don't sit and stare blankly into it for hours a day, i just don't pay as much attention anymore.


Shantaram, such a good read. i just finished it and i feel like i have lost a loved one now our relationship is over i only have the memories... and the book to read again! woohoo! Index-A by Charles Wilkin, (beautiful collage), Phillip Pullmans Dark Materials, Trainspotting, Chuck Palahniuk, Neasden Control Centre (i think most art students own or want this book), De Manifest (like a femanin Neasden), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Vernon God Little, Lowdown- Transforming Language, Most pretty books about design. paper makes a difference. the collins animal encyclopedia. I have recently fallen in love with my college library, we spend many an hour together and i have become so attached that i have half of it at home, from books on moths to celebrity knitting, tribal patterns, japanese woodblock prints and this great book on soviet textiles and how they used images on textiles and clothing to promote industrialization, modernization, agriculture and communism to a mainly illiterate soviet union, genius.


Charles Wilkin, Josef Muller Brockman, El Lizitsky, Piet Zwart, Banksy, Logan Hicks, Gerome Messnager, Hunter S. Thompson, lazslo maholy nagy, Nigel Slater, Hugh Fernly-Whittingstall, gregory david roberts. i don't know how many of these are actually my heros but they are all very inspiring and what they do/did is/was pretty cool.

My Blog

HAHA! found: one pair of heavily worn, size 11 dancing shoes!

well well, i had forgotten to mention that i have found my dancing shoes thanks to a mixture of people that i will now thankRosieNiamhBethHeatherRuthand i am sure there are some more but i canny remem...
Posted by Smelly Sam on Tue, 29 May 2007 07:46:00 PST


hello there everyone. not so much ranting from me. just a note to say come and see an exhibition of work that will be displayed at electroworks in angel, london between the 5th and 7th of july (at lea...
Posted by Smelly Sam on Tue, 29 May 2007 07:42:00 PST

Old people talking rubbish

it really annoys me when u see old people interviewed on the news about a latest stabbing or robbery or some other crime commited by a young person and they state so confidently into the camera like t...
Posted by Smelly Sam on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 06:47:00 PST

lost: my dancing shoes

its official, and i am distraught. i have no idea where i lost them, or how they fell off cos i sure as hell didn't take them off but my dancing shoes have gone astray. if anyone has any information r...
Posted by Smelly Sam on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 06:07:00 PST