Pesky Im 19 years old, live in Leatherhead, Surrey just the outskirts of London Ive always had a big passion for drum & bass! and just music in general really, so just thought I would learn to DJ because Ive always wanted to but never really pursued it. So thats what I did, I got my first set of decks just over a year ago. It was wiked got well into it, still am love mixing, learning everyday! Then one of my mates showed me fruity loops, come on you gotta start somewhere so got into that learned it and stuff now starting to get in to producing which is well fun! the tunes I have up are my first ever only been doing it 1 month! gimme a chance! and who knows maybe one day I'l be with Hospital Records!! lol I wish! right if you guys get time chek out my tracks, do it! thanks!!! TB (Even if you dont like my tunes leave me a comment please! will help for future production!!)