y wIth My Cat..Meeeeoowwwww...
Kittie : Brackish
i dont watched just act and play in a BIG MOVIE..aahahahahaa..wiNk~~Wink~~
Kay Tagal...FuLL Of EMoTiOn anD Cute PeopLe..The Simpsons tet tet tee teee tet, dharma n greg and any show's wif people with Out CloThs..ahahahaha..wink~~Wink~~
Memoirs of a geisha by arthur golden, Fingersmith by sarah waters, Veronika decides to die by paulo coelho
Who WaNna Be My HeRoEs????PuT's YoUr HanDs Up!!!..(SerCHinG)....LooK's LiKe NoBoDy WanTs To Be..HaVe To Be HeRoEs FoR My SeLf..WiNk~WiNk~