About Me
Beards against racism is an age old organization that combats fascism swiftly and with the most beard possible...The B.A.R is a global organization which was first started by German Frank Romanoff in 1934. Frank was just one in an army of advantageous steelworkers in northern Germany. Fate had seemingly dealt a poor hand to these men with such powerful convictions, as they were locked in a beardless age of fascist terror. However, Frank showed amazing persistence and was soon able to rally his fellow workers into a highly organized front capable of showing real resistance to the Nazis in their own backyard. The original B.A.R. battled the Nazis in the streets for 6 years, vying for the hearts and minds of fellow Germans. Hitler, stuck in a very precarious position, was unable to directly affront the B.A.R., because this would certainly cause John Q. Public to realize the farce in his racist machine, and thusly turn against him. In rare form, General H.G. Meinhomff personally elected to solve Hitler’s problem- grew a beard and attempted to infiltrate B.A.R.'s ranks! His farce was quickly discovered, and his cleanly shaven corpse was delivered back to Hitler. After the death of his most enterprising young general, Hitler could take no more. He began to openly attack the B.A.R. in the press, Attempting to undermine the popular support they received. Soon it was all over the press, after denouncing the B.A.R. as anti patriots, one major right-wing newspaper, "die vorläufigen Emissionsprospekte" even went as far as to pronounce all B.A.R. members to be American spies. Fed up, Romanoff made a public speech (later to be known as the Reinhardt rebuttal) declaring war on Hitler’s propaganda machine, In a stunning display of power, the B.A.R. stormed die vorläufigen Emissionsprospekte's central office, taking control of the presses, and printing 11 thousand copies of "This is my beard, this is my life" and anti racist propaganda pamphlet. The copies were herded out of the building just as the SS began to arrive at the scene. With stunning brutality the SS murdered all 19 B.A.R. members still inside the building. In the following weeks, the SS rounded up every B.A.R. sympathizer they could find, Frank and 10 others were the only ones to escape capture. Forced to go into hiding, they remaining B.A.R. members bided their time until they could retaliate. Their time came as allied forces began bombing Germany. With unadulterated bearded force, Frank and his vanguard began a frantic manhunt to capture Hitler. In the final moments of the war, Frank finally tracked Hitler down, in a bunker adjacent to Nazi headquarters. Dressed as an SS officer, Frank infiltrated the bunker with 50 lbs of dynamite strapped to his chest. What followed was chaos, with allied planes bomB.A.R.ding the bunker. Nobody ever saw Frank of Hitler again, it can only be assumed that he fulfilled his lives work and killed histories number one racist!For fifteen years, B.A.R was defunct, forgotten by the harsh passing of time. Fast forward to 1997 when Jason E. (you may know him as the ever smiling B.A.R spokesman) uncovered evidence of the original B.A.R while doing research on pre war German racial sentiments. Jason quickly relayed this information to his local bearded comrades, and B.A.R. was reborn!
This generation of the B.A.R first came into the limelight when, with unadulterated bearded force, they stopped a KKK meeting on the steps of the capitol. This incident helped catapult popularity in the BATR, though it proved to be a double edged sword. With chapters opening in 3 separate continents, the American National Government started to really take notice in our organization. In direct retaliation to their antifascist stance, the American national government imprisoned two of B.A.R's founding members on trumped up charges. These martyrs remain, to this very day, maximum security inmates in New York prisons.We at B.A.R gravely feel the loss of our civil liberties at the hand of the American national government. Never have they been more persistent at imprisoning our members and trying to infiltrate our organization. We will never stop fighting racists everywhere, for we believe this to be our bearded obligation to the world.The new B.A.R. is a highly organized grass roots foundation based out of CT, US. We also have chapters in London, Glasgow, Ukraine, NY, Chicago, DC, LA, and Portland. We are currently trying to start a chapter in Germany, thus far anti beard legislation has made this an impossibility. If you currently reside in Germany, or wish to contribute funds, please contact us!
If you would like more info, feel free to stop by our US headquarters at
322 pigeon St pawcatuck,ct 06379
Or call us at 18006559521