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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Over analyzer. Self motivated. Hate waste. Love birds. Believe in making a difference. Try to do what I preach yet still a hypocrite. I am a deeply religious nonbeliever. Think that people are selfish, but want to make changes to this planet for the good. I truly want to be an environmentalist, but still contribute to problems. I'm a optimistic hypocrite.


Background from Google search result ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Many will attack you for taking the easy way out, but then they won't know how hard it was to find an extension cord long enough to reach the bathtub.

My Blog

Edward Liddy - Arrogance, Incompetence and Greed

Edward Liddy and friends make me want to vomit. How can he justify 165 million in bonus money after we tax payers have spent our hard earned money bailing out AIG. I agree, with the yahoo story. AIG s...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 09:36:00 GMT

Life - How we should live

I'm 30 years old and have managed to experience in life what most 30 year olds experience. Girls, beers, liquor, stippers, guns, love, hate, lust, envy, and beer. Of course I have some passion for thi...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 01:13:00 GMT

To the Myspace Hacker

Dear Cockless Fuckmuppet, I want to express my most sincere appreciation of your tremendous efforts to hack my Myspace account. My friends and I thoroughly enjoyed the well-crafted spam I left in thei...
Posted by on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 14:46:00 GMT

The Most Original Blog Ever - Boobs and the Environment

I’m very excited that the human race has managed  to survive 2007 and I’m excited about our future. However, we should all be asking ourselves a few critical questions about what your...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 11:51:00 GMT

Im in love!

The first time I laid eyes on her I was amazed by her smooth lines and fine details. Her personality radiated off her grill and backside. As soon as I touched her I was immediately in love. Making thi...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 08:42:00 GMT

New BlowJob Definition: Libicious Scooter

Corruption was already a part of the Bush Administration prior to the dicKtaTor pushing his right-wing extremism and ignorant thinking upon the American people by cheating his way into office. Recent ...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 22:19:00 GMT

Obama: Great Reform Ideas or Shady Investor?

After throwing up in my mouth from listening to George W. try and articulate a sentence, the idea of a new kind of president sounds better than bile. Barrack Obama is refreshing in his ability to...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 08:48:00 GMT

Optimistic Hypocrite

Dilution is the solution to pollution Mixing and diffusing Population distributing Mass hysteria, and material shit Increasing objectives To make the numbers look healthier Deadly poisons, liquid and ...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:37:00 GMT

Legalization of Prostitution in California - A Cost Benefit Analysis Survey

Should California make prostitution legal? Let me bias my survey with some thoughts. Think about all the litigation and jail costs associated with keeping it illegal, and add the economic benefits of ...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:32:00 GMT

Logical to a fault!!

I've always been very logical, probably too logical. It seems like it does more harm than good. WTF... is it not a good attribute? I've alway's thought so. Lately, more arguments arise from it. I...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 09:24:00 GMT