×»Allison«× profile picture


Kill one man, you're a murderer; kill a million, a king; kill 'em all, a god...

About Me

I'm a girl.
My name's Allison, but my nicknames are
& 4.Alice.
You can call me any of those.
I like a shitload of stuff. Music especially.
I love my friends.
My bestestestestest friend forever is Amanda A. BFF nukkas!
My best friends are Achie[Bea], Tif, Tony, Edie, and Suki. I love them to fuckin death and would die for them.
If I don't like you, you'll be able to tell.
I can be blunt sometimes, but other times I'm not.
I like stuff that makes you think.
I love to draw and take photographs.
I love people that I can have an intelligent conversation with.
I'm very sarcastic. If you don't like sarcasm, you won't like me.
I don't like people who are slaves to society or to their work. If you weren't supposed to have fun, there would be no such thing.
If you add me and I don't know you, please message me and tell me who you are. I hate having to ask.
I burp loud. & I don't care. So if that grosses you out, then don't talk to me, or get used to it.
I love to have fun, but i'm not stupid.
Don't judge me the first time you meet me, because if you do, you will get the wrong impression. Trust me on that one.
I mosh at shows. I don't believe in hardcore dancing. [That's LAME].
I take crticism harshly. If I do something wrong, I think on it for hours upon hours, taking it apart at the seams and examining every detail.
I believe that my mortal sins are Envy, Pride, and Lust.
If I think of something, more than likely i'll say it.
If you don't like me, TELL ME. Otherwise I won't know. I don't give a shit, but at least i'll know.
I'm a SENIOR ! [Meaning I automatically just owned all you underclassmen!]
You're the DARK AVENGER!
The Dark Avenger is emotionally dead, at least that's what s/he thinks. S/he used to be a normal, happy person, but then something tragical happened and s/he lost it. Now s/he seeks justice and hunts down those who wronged her/him, and doesn't let anything or anyone get in between her/him and her/his revenge. The thing is that even if the Dark Avenger got her/his revenge, s/he would probably still go on killing and destroying rampantly, because the tragedy that changed her/his life changed her/his soul for good. S/he avenges her/his tragedy over and over again to anyone, or anything. S/he tries to fill the empty gap in her/his heart with the blood s/he spills, knowing that it will never be enough.
Strengths: The Dark Avenger may be also physically strong and blessed with special powers, but her/his greatest assert is still her/his determination. S/he's ready to go as far it takes to get what s/he wants.
Weaknesses: Traumas and surpressed memories of the past. Reminding her/him of the pain that turned her/him into what s/he is, or the happiness s/he felt before it happened may distract her/him.
Famous Dark Avengers: O-Ren Ishii from Kill Bill, Carrie from Carrie, the ghost from the Grudge.
If you ever became a fictional villain, you'd be the Dark Avenger because you feel very angry inside,thinking that the world has hurt you badly, and sometimes you wish you could hurt the world back twice as bad just to let everyone know how you feel. To avoid this, just keep in mind that revenge is never the answer, because hurting others doesn't help you heal yourself, nor will it change the past. If you feel empty inside, filling yourself with hate will only make things first.
What Would Be Your Greatest Strength In a Battle? (pics)
Your greatest strength in a battle would be your COURAGE. You have a good heart. You're brave, loyal, determined, and honest, and most of all ready to stand up for yourself and the people you care about. You never stop believing in hope, and you never give up when you try to do the right thing, and it makes you a tru warrior even if you lacked physical strength and other skills. However, sometimes you're blinded by your own thoughts about right and wrong, which can make you cause a lot of harm because it's difficult for you to see things from someone else's point of view. Still, you genuinely care about the welfare of others.
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Your Birthdate: August 23
You're not good at any one thing, and that's the problem.
You're good at so much - you never know what to do.
Change is in your blood, and you don't stick to much for long.
You are destined for a life of travel and fun.
Your strength: Your likeability
Your weakness: You never feel satisfied
Your power color: Bright yellow
Your power symbol: Asterisk
Your power month: May
You Have a Choleric Temperament
You are a person of great enthusiasm - easily excited by many things.
Unsatisfied by the ordinary, you are reaching for an epic, extraordinary life.
You want the best. The best life. The best love. The best reputation.
You posses a sharp and keen intellect. Your mind is your primary weapon.
Strong willed, nothing can keep you down. Your energy can break down any wall.
You're an instantly passionate person - and this passion gives you an intoxicating power over others.
At your worst, you are a narcissist. Full of yourself and even proud of your faults.
Stubborn and opinionated, you know what you think is right. End of discussion.
A bit of a misanthrope, you often see others as weak, ignorant, and inferior.
You Are 78% Passionate, 22% Compassionate
.. You are very passionate, especially when it comes to love.
In fact, it's sometimes difficult for you to tell between love and lust.
You jump in head first, and figure things out later... usually when it's all over!
I still remember...
You are Bettie Page
Girl next door with a wild streak
You're a famous beauty - with unique look
And the people who like you are cultish about it

My Interests

Soy Poy, music, my friends, movies, photography, art, drawing

Here, take this test and keep yourself occupied!
Create your own friendquiz here Here are some words/phrases that I say often:
[Tee Hee!]
[Pan not Pan!]
[No Wehhhhh hhhhJose!]
[No Weh Jose]
[Don't Judge Me]
[What Up Yo]
[What It Do?]
[Pan Pan!]
[You Know!]
[Eh? Eh? Eeeeehhhhh?]
[Weh Jose]
yeah there's probably more, but yeah...

Bands I support :
Emilie Autumn is amazing!!

Click here to check out Soy Poy's myspace

Click here for their Purevolume site

Check out this band :
From Graves of Valor


-I will promote! JUST ASK! [bands ONLY]

The Boy with Nails in his Eyes put up his aluminium tree.
It looked pretty strange because he couldn't really see.

I'd like to meet:

♥† Most Gorgeous People Ever.†♥

I'd like to meet myself one day, so that I can slap myself and say "What have you done?". Or people like me. Talk to me. If I don't like you I won't talk back.


--You may as well...--

Join Soy Poy's group - Soy Poy......

Ask to listen to my MP3 Player.


Ask what's on it.


Ask me.


Movies I love: Big Fish,
The Notebook,
Hedwig and The Angry Inch,
Donnie Darko,
Napolean Dynamite,
The Boondock Saints,
A Clockwork Orange (kinda freaked me out, but still good),
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,
The Rocky Horror Picture Show,
The Exorcist,
The Exorcism Of Emily Rose,
Requim For A Dream,
American History X,
The Believer(not the best, but still good!),
Office Space,
10 Things I Hate About You♥,
Alot Like Love,
Happy Endings,
The Fifth Element,
The Weather Man,
16 Blocks,
We're Back,
Team America : World Police

♥ ♥

My Current Favorite Movie Is:

a tie between:




TV shows that freakin OWN: Rocko's Modern Life(I wish they still showed it), Action League Now!, KABLAM!, almost anything on FUSE, except the rap(crap) music shows, Invader Zim, Family Guy, Mind of Mencia, Inuyasha, .hack//sign


the Dragonriders of Pern,
The Magician's Tale(which, believe it or not, is actually about a colorblind photographer),
Watership Down,
A Cold Mind


hmm... My Brother,
Napolean Dynamite,
Cousin Steve,
Johnny Depp,
Marilyn Monroe,
Andy Warhol,
Bettie Page,
umm..I dunno who else.

My Blog

How do you feel? That is the question.

Today I have made a decision that will affect me greatly.I have made a decision that will quite possibly change almost everything I know.Hopefully it will be for the better.All I can do is hope for it...
Posted by Intrinsic Tragedy on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 09:21:00 PST

These are my views. I will add more when I have the time to.

My Political Views:I have moderate views..Some of my views are totally liberal.Some of them are totally conservative.I believe that Political Parties will be one of the downfalls of this nation.If I b...
Posted by Intrinsic Tragedy on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 12:45:00 PST

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life...

or maybe it was yesterday?Did you miss it?Did life just pass you by?If you're not careful it will.Always remember that tomorrow is the first day of your life.It may also be the last.keep in mind that ...
Posted by Intrinsic Tragedy on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 06:33:00 PST

Bands that i've seen live [copying Sarah :) ]

Yes I got this from Sarah. & since i'm bored...you know...yeah...here goes.Solo:Alice Cooper!!!!Ozzfest:As I Lay DyingMarylyn MansonShadows FallRevolution SmileVoivodCradle Of FilthDisturbedOzzy O...
Posted by Intrinsic Tragedy on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 06:19:00 PST

I'm Tired Of This

I don't know why.I don't know what it is.But when I logged in today, I felt so tired of Myspace.It's so lame and way overrated now.I really like my song though.Anyway.Tomorrow is the first day of scho...
Posted by Intrinsic Tragedy on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 05:58:00 PST

Everything is so interesting

when you really think about it.It may not be interesting now, but when you're new to the world, everything is so interesting. Nothing seems mundane or overly reitterated. Everything is fresh. Unknown....
Posted by Intrinsic Tragedy on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 01:02:00 PST

Mr. Jones

I was down at the New Amsterdam staring at this yellow-haired girl Mr. Jones strikes up a conversation with this black-haired flamenco dancer She dances while his father plays guitar She's suddenly be...
Posted by Intrinsic Tragedy on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 02:39:00 PST

Good Song...

It ain't no joke I'd like to buy the world a tokeAnd teach the world to sing in perfect harmonyAnd teach the world to snuff the fires and the liarsHey I know it's just a song but it's spice for the re...
Posted by Intrinsic Tragedy on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 04:35:00 PST

Poetry..stuff...whatever just read it!! ^^

I haven't posted poems in quite a while. So I think i'll start again. But not right right now....because....my poem book is upstairs...and i'm not...yeah i'll post them when i'm not being lazy and dec...
Posted by Intrinsic Tragedy on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 03:14:00 PST

I Cleaned My Room!

Wow. I had about 7 bags of trash!!! & I got rid of tons of crap which I don't need. I'm a freakin pack rat. Except when i'm cleaning. It's like I have 2 polar opposites within my head. The first o...
Posted by Intrinsic Tragedy on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 03:23:00 PST