Myspace Layouts by
Myspace Layouts by
good music and great people, conversation, astrology, psycology, an all around good time(however that may be)..
anyone who has a good heart and good energyand:a nice girl who wants to meet, and appreciate, a nice guy...START BZOINK.COM QUIZLET CODE
What does the opposite sex love about you?
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MySpace Comments
where do i begin...
any true musician enjoys all forms of music, or can appreciate them at least.
the only genre of music that i can't stand is polka (honestly)portishead glory box
I'm not a big television or movie fan. i know, i know, not human... i can just find more entertaining things to do than stare at something that is just another form of self-hypnosis, sorry
i plead the 5th...
it is not a book but i really enjoy the weekend siminar titled, The Tree of Knowledge by Terance McKenna if you know who he is, then you have impressed me
any one who is true to themselves and other people