Gerry (a.k.a. TazzGLM) profile picture

Gerry (a.k.a. TazzGLM)

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

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myspace glitter and animated graphics “I believe in long, slow, deep, wet kisses that last three days.” That line from the movie BULL DURHAM has stuck with me for a long time. It sums up a romantic sentiment that perfectly describes me. Yes ... I am a romantic. Hopelessly and hopefully romantic. I believe in romance and love and passion ... things that seem to be in scarce supply these days.The pictures on my page tell the story of what I look like. I'm a 52 years old gentleman of color (born in June, making me a Gemini), have two children (both in their 30s and living their own lives) and nine grandchildren (which makes Geritol a necessity). I'm of average height and build, and clean-shaven (I now officially own stock in Gillette). I've been told that I have a great sense of humor (I love to laugh), intelligent (I'm a bit of a trivia buff), and have a good and giving heart. That heart was tested to its limit about nine years ago when I was taken to the hospital after suffering a heart incident (not quite a heart attack, but close), which was strange considering how good of shape I was in. It was found that I have arrhythmia, which is a serious acceleration of the heart rate. After dying in the emergency room (twice), they installed a defibrillator in my chest (yes ... I am now BIONIC), which regulates my heart rate. With the drugs that I take as a precautionary, I have been doing great ever since. And, after losing 80 lbs a few years ago, I have eliminated a brief bout with diabetes. Actually, God decided that He wanted to keep me around for some greater, higher purpose ... guess He has a great sense of humor, too. Anyway, I am back to normal (normal for ME, that is) and am feeling wonderful ... fit as a fiddle and ready for love, as the old saying goes.I am a web designer/graphic designer/executive assistant by trade. I am considering relocation from my present geographical area to somewhere more exciting and vibrant, yet peaceful. The job market and the city itself are abysmal and spreading my wings and taking a chance (both professionally and personally) elsewhere may be just the ticket for me. The people here are so myopic and self-centered, with no sense of manners or courtesy. The women, in particular and for the most part, tend to be more into the thug than the gentleman, more into what a man possesses in material wealth and the superficial than what is in the mind and heart and soul. You know ... no romance without finance.I am a lover of movies (as you can tell), music (especially and predominantly jazz), reading, writing (I compose short erotic stories from a man's POV), travel (cruising to Jamaica is all that), television, sports (football, mixed martial arts, boxing, and pro wrestling), photography, anything to do with computers and technology (yes ... I am an admitted geek), clothes (one of my addictions), long walks in the park, cuddling on the sofa with that special woman, those kisses ... well, the list goes on, but no use in revealing TOO much. Gotta leave a bit of mystery after all!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I enjoy the company of an intelligent, classy, witty, honest, sensual, and God-fearing woman of color. Visually, I tend to gravitate towards a body type similar to that of Jennifer Hudson ... voluptuous and luxurious and shapely and curvy. Her personality should be such that she can adapt to any situation. My grandfather described his ideal of the perfect woman, and Grandpa was never wrong. He said that the woman should be a lady in public, a true mother to her children, a great conversationalist, be possessed of a wicked sense of humor, joyous in spirit, strong when need be, vulnerable if should be, and a passionate lover behind closed doors. I guess I prefer an evening of nice saxophone-laced jazz on the stereo, a snifter of Napoleon brandy, the occasional Montecristo (that's a cigar, in case you were wondering), and being in the arms of the right woman much more than running the streets and spreading the love around. I've had those days of wild debauchery and unbridled, hedonistic lust when I was a younger man. I'm grown ... and that life is best left to those who wish to please a multitude of women than savor in the love and ecstasy of just one. By the way ... I'm a sucker for a voluptuous, luscious woman in sexy lingerie and a pair of FMPs (stiletto heels, for lack of a better term).

Now ... that was a mouthful, wasn't it?! If this tickles your fancy, excites your soul, peaks your curiosity or even makes you laugh a little, then ... HOLLA AT A BRUTHA!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be happy to hear from you.By the way, if you happen to have three days ...


MySpace Comments

... who makes my heart skip a beat!!!!

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