Brent profile picture


When choosing between two evils, I go with the one I haven't tried before.

About Me

So far this year there has just been more of everything. More Work...More Play...More Family Time...and More Time with Friends. When I'm not working I'm usually running around with my friends. Still fixing up an old's coming along, haven't got to work on it lately. I think you learn something from everyone you meet. Last year I met some pretty cool people...hoping to meet some more this year.HERE ARE SOME PICS FROM AMSTERDAM AND GENEVAHERE ARE SOME PICS FROM SKIING IN FRANCEHERE ARE THE PICS FROM LONDON...AND YES, I REALIZE I'M WEARING THE SAME THING IN EVERY SINGLE PICTURE.

My Interests

Things that are awesome. I've started to travel a bit...not enough though. I like Thursday nights, the smell of flood water, Concerts, my gray sweatpants, awesome comb-overs, sand volleyball, being outside, naps on Sundays, BBQ, friends' weddings, and a lot of other stuff. I'm seriously thinking about quiting my job to become a surf instructor.

I'd like to meet:

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I'd like to meet the guy who stole my cell phone. He answered when I called it and just listen to me. Sweet life...hope you enjoyed listening to my old messages.

So I made a bunch of these t-shirts...If you like them, send me a message and I'll get you one.

Check out the web site


Pretty much everything. I really like music but don't own very many CDs...I actually don't own much of anything so whatever.


Braveheart, Shawshank, High Fidelity, Fight Club, Anchorman, Wedding Crashers...haven't seen a good new movie in a while. My favorite movie that a lot of people haven't heard of is's pretty awesome, but you need to watch it like 5 times to catch everything. I just watched The Departed...good stuff.


My TV was sitting on my filing its on a TV stand. Don't watch it very much anymore...too busy. I like The Office, Modern Marvels (anything on the History channel), Family Guy, but don't every really get to watch them. Now it usually...SquakBox in the the morning, Sportcenter in the evening, Cards and Royals Baseball when they're on. Oh, and I like the Discovery Channel sometimes.


I've definitely faked reading more books than I've read. I have this thing againist sitting still for extended periods of time. By the way...I finished the book I was using as a coster, and I'm almost done with another one. It's amazing how much you can get read when you're on airplanes.


My siblings, little and big. My parents, when they aren't crazy.They've all taught me some good lessons...some which I need to work on.
1. The smile you give might be the only one someone see's all day.
2. You've got it pretty good--don't forget that.
3. Work Hard and Play Hard. Chiling on the couch will be some pretty boring memories when you're 40.
4. Singing is good for the soul.
5. Listen to everyone's advise...but only use some of it.
6. Different is Beautiful
7. Think of others...little actions go a long ways
8. Lay off the Booze!
9. Do what you tell people you are going to do.
10. Chew with your mouth closed.