About Me
Hey there, and welcome back ^_^
i would enjoy some personal messages or comments etc =) so try and add a comment anywhere
here is some brainstorming about myself:
-- love my true friends -- i like the summer/sun -- i like the winter/snow -- studying physics -- hate myspace profiles that slow down the whole pc cause of fucked up code =) -- hate rascism -- hate fascism -- hate speciesism -- hate prejudices -- hate violence -- realist -- perfectionist -- idealist -- calculating every silly thing
in no way complete =) will be continued ... sometime!
here are some lines that move me in some way:
so scrape your heart up from the bottom of the barrel. keep your faith in the path that's growing narrow. kill the doubt inside your head. we overcome. we push ahead. - modern life is war, 1st & ellen
don't let this win over you! - set your goals
I want to cut, cut the binds,
It's not the scissors that are dull.
It's our minds, It's our apathy and shallow goals entwined.
It's all or nothing, kiss yesterday goodbye. - with honor, like trumpets
bitte, bitte, lasst mich nicht in dem gefühl
ich hätt alles verzockt, ich hab so viel erlebt, hab so viel gefühl
das kann mir keiner nehmen, im geist erlebte abenteuer kann mir keiner nehmen
sagt, was will ich mehr? ich weiss schon was real ist
doch weisst du, dass mir dein reales kapital egal ist?
red es mir nicht schlecht! was bitte ist reich?
bist du der wächter meiner zeit, wertschätzer meiner zeit? - jintanino, wächter der zeit
Bleib einfach hier.
Bleib einfach hier, und lern dich umzusehen! - Clueso, Bleib hier
this line, it leads us to total chaos - just went black, some little tragedy
i guess the loneley are alone again - dead hearts, fall
Wahrscheinlich das, keine Ahnung. Das ist wie, wenn ich im Puff bin. Ich denke dann zu viel nach. - sido, interview, stern online
auch wenn es manchmal schwierig ist, den glauben zu bewahren,
gute zeiten folgen auf schlechte, denn unglück ist vergänglich - donato, danke
don't you take my kindness for weakness - dilated peoples, kindness for weakness
and through my bitter eyes i see everything i loved so much turns into the counterpart of my gentle memories - just went black, losing heart
sooner or later some more lines will follow
ther is much more to tell about myself, so simply ask me, if you want to know something!
just take a look at the following links:
- - www.rootsofcompassion.org - zine about veganism, A.L. etc. with forum
veganissimo.de (ger)
- - Die wohl best erklärende Seite, Grundlage für alle Gespräche
- - my weblog, some stuff about me, my surroundings and people i either like or dislike...