There are 1,516 people in the U.S. with the first name Tari.
Statistically the 4019th most popular first name.
More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Tari are female.
I know, the profile is lame & gray. But, it doesn't take forever to load, right? Except for maybe the poke thingy.
I've collected the state quarters, & like growing things. I have 2 cats! I own my van, & house, which I share w/ my boyfriend & his dog. Amazed by nature, wish I could sing, want to be a robot when I grow up. Tend to loose it if surrounded by people 24/7. I'm a morning person. :)
When I was a younger I wanted to take pictures for National Geographic, or be an auto mechanic. But instead I listened to everyone else & went towards electronics. I'd like to fish or camp or just go hang in the woods & cook up a couple steaks & potatoes !!
prometheus and Bob treehouse