~I wAs BoRn aNd RaIsEd In SaN dIeGo CaLiForNiA..
~iM a NaVy BraT LiKe MoSt FiLipInoS ArE..
~Im a DaddY's GiRL..
~I LoVe To ShOp..
~Im a sTrAiGhT FoRwArD pErSoN..i teLL iT hOw it iS...
~i mOsTly hAvE gUy FrIeNds, CHiCks sEE mE as A tHrEaT i GueSS..
~iM LoYaL tO thOse wHo i'm CLoSe tO..
just get to know me and find out...
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