Diary of a Mod Housewife profile picture

Diary of a Mod Housewife

Lush Life

About Me

Mom, wife, friend, student, overall workaholic and pragmatist.

My Interests

Neuropsychology, gender identity, vision research, perception, music, cooking, wine, manga, anime, aesthetics, art, sculpture, writing, Japan

I'd like to meet:

Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, anyone sufficiently cynical and curmudgeonly


Selections from my iPod: Air, Arctic Monkeys, Astor Piazzolla, Caetano Veloso, Cat Power, Johnny Cash, John Coltrane, Devotcha, John Dunbar, East River Pipe, Eric Neher, Goldrush, Jenifer Convertible, Keane, Neil Young, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Okkervil River, Regina Carter, Radiohead, The Sharp Things, Shudder To Think, Social Distortion, The Thrills, The Waterboys, The Vines, U2


Comedy: Animal House, Caddyshack, This Is Spinal Tap, Kung Fu Hustle (are you sensing my inner 16-year old boy yet?) Art: Koyanisqaatsi, Pi, Memento Satire: Anything by Kubrick, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Beauty Romance: A Room With A View


I have 2 kids, how much tv do I watch? It's YouTube, baby.


Science fiction, fiction, manga Favorite Books: A Winter's Tale, Mark Helprin; Cryptonomicon, Neal Stephenson; Cat's Eye, Margaret Atwood Favorite Manga: Saiyuki


Stephen Colbert