art, painting, reading, drinking, running (when i feel energetic), travel, eating eating eating
everyone i know now but in twenty years down the line, would be interesting! bet some of you are fat! oh and would like to meet an Italian/french chef who would offer to cook for me everyday for free! that would be nice
I'm hopeless at music, amy winehouse is good
pulp fiction, four rooms, team america, betty blue, monty pythin, dodgeball, anchorman, trainspotting, donny darko, phantom of the opera, anything costume drama, pretty much anything good!
neighbours all the way
emma, pride and prejudice, gormenghast, white teeth, anything jilly cooper, lord of the rings, time travellers wife, tales of the city, rebecca, the beach, harry potter! the light years, catcher in the rye, goes on and on
not many, elizabeth bennet, she put up with her mother calling her plain!