jen profile picture



About Me

I'm a freshman @ Cal Poly SLO and love it!!! I miss my two best friends back home but I love my people here!!! They're awesome!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

*~* jUsT a ShOuT oUt To AlL tHoSe WhO hAvE pAsSeD...yOu WilL aLwAyS bE iN oUr HeArTs... R*I*P DON DAVIE 6/24/05, ALEXA RICHARDS & FAMILY 8/18/05, PHIL WRIGHT 8/22/05, NICK BARRON 8/27/05~nICk, tHaNkS fOr AlWaYs PuTtIn A sMiLe On My FaCe. YoU hAvE tOuChEd ThE hEaRtS oF sO mAnY ♥ wE lOvE yOu ♥*~*


My Blog

sup ya'll

hey so this is mai first "blog" thing... i have no idea wat to write lol... i'm jus chillin at home, supposed to be doin hmwrk but bored as f*ck so yea.... if ya'll want to entertain me please feel fr...
Posted by jen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST