I live hidden under a rock, at the bottom of a hole, in the deep ocean. Oftentimes more hidden and deeper than I realize.
MorningStar Worship & Warfare III
In the midst of time of troubles I will worsip you. In the midst of the lowest valley I will praise. In the midst of greatest heartache there is a blam for you. In the midst of all the pain remember He bore stripes for you. In the midst of lonelyness He says "I am here. In the midst of all the sadness, I see your tears." When you don't know what to do. He says "Hold on. I hear. Just know I see your tears and I'm making a way for you." He says I'm making a way for you. Here in the shadows it gets so dark. The light that barely shines through to me. I can feel the enemy all around. But that's when my God speaks to me. He says "Hold on, Child, I'm here. Just know I see your tears and I'm making a way for you. I am making a way for you." He's making a way for you. He's making a way just for you. He says "Hold on" He is here. He knows your every tear and He's making a way for you. Yes, He's making a way for you.
"Hold On"--Carrie Freeman Visit Carrie's Page
Visit www.eaglefireministries.com
"A dream uninterpreted is one of Gods letters unopened. Keep searching out His night parables and hidden instructions (Job 33: 14-16)."
"Forgive us Lord for holding hands with darkness. Forgive us Lord for our idolatry. Forgive us Lord for playing games in your presence. We look for true intimacy"
"I beleive one awesome call in the coming days are for black smiths to come forth they are they who are not well known but it is they who labor to put swords in the hands of the warriors without the blacksmiths, the battle would be lost."
"We are not humans with random spiritual experiances BUT spiritual with a short human experiance."
Misty Edwards-- You Woln't Relent
God You became a man. You took on flesh. You're so beautiful. And there is One found worthy, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. And there is One found worthy, the root of David. --Justin Rizzo
"If you heed this word, you will stand when everything else has fallen. Are you ready? NEVER, NEVER, AND I MEAN NEVER, GIVE UP! Amen."
"Dont doubt but pray for His will to be done in your life so that His plans, desires and purposes will be what succeeds and that the destiny that He created you for is what you walk in."
"sticky noodles in the hose, sticky floor under toes. chicken flavoring in my mouth, on my fingers, and on my mouse."
"But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an ungifted man enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all;the secrets of his heart are disclosed; and so he will fall on his face and worship God, declaring that God is certainly among you." 1 Corinthians 14:24-25
"I can scale the wall. I can move a mountian. I can slay the giant. When You're on my side. I can raise the dead. I can feed the nations. I can fly. Look how small our fears are from up here up here at His heart. Look how small our enemy is compaired to our God, compaired to His heart. I will live out the dreams You placed in me, shout down the walls of fear. God is Love. God is Love. I woln't be afraid. God is Love. God is Love. Nothing is impossible." Jonathan David Helser
So I raise my left hand one, I raise my right hand too
Under the morning sun, my spirit cries to You
Okay, hear what I say
As I raise my hands in surrender today
Right here
Under the sun
Hands in the air, singing Thy will be done
I'm here
Under the sun
Hands in the air, singing Thy will be done
Okay, here I will stay
Hands in the air, singing have Thine own way
Have Thine own way
I’m in love with a King who became a slave
I’m in love with a God who is humble
You gotta go down, if you wanna go up
You gotta go lower, if you wanna go higher and higher
You gotta hide and do it in secret, if you wanna be seen by God
Cause it’s the inside outside upside down Kingdom where you loose to gain
and you die to live
I wanna be Your lover, so show me how to go lower
for in the depths I will find You, where you’re serving my brother
I wanna be with you where You are, You’re the Servant of all
Misty Edwards--Servant of All
"There’s an estimated 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in our universe, according to NASA. And our God calls them ALL by name."
"I Have Heard about the Days of old. About the men who followed You. And how they saw the Supernatural. And became the chosen few. So I come before You now. Tearing off my earthly crowns. for this one thing I have Found.
I want Faith Like That. To see the dead rise. or to see You pass by. Oh I, I want Faith Like That. Whatever the cost. I'll suffer the loss, Oh I. I want Faith Like That. I'm not Looking for a miracle. Signs and Wonders are things thereof. I caught a glimps of what You want from me. and what I have is not enough. I read the story one more time. of Those who gave to You Their lives. With no fear or compromise. I want the Faith That can move any mountain. and send them to the sea. I want the Faith that can break every stronghold. That keeps you, keeps you from me. I want Faith Like That. To see the dead rise. or to see You pass by. Oh I, I want Faith Like That. Whatever the cost. I'll suffer the loss, Oh I
I want Faith Like That, a Faith like that." Jonah33
"Jesus, be my rudder, be the wind within my sail, I cannot make myself pretend to be afraid to fail. Take me past familiar waters, to a place so deep, It reserves itself for the eyes of those who dream." GS Megaphone
Jason Upton - Burning