Hanging out with friends, going to see rockshows with friends, indoor/outdoor cooking for/with friends, my garden, my bike, my guitars, oh yeah...and joining these pathetic online friend-sharing networks!
There are eleven types of people in the world; those who get it and those who don't. I'm looking to meet people who get it.
Heatmiser, Elliott Smith, Chet Baker, Echo & the Bunnymen, Kinks, Michael Penn, Replacements, Jon Brion, Bob Mould, Nick Drake, Belle & Sebastian, Stones, Beatles, Who, T. Rex, Damien Rice, Elvis Costello, any music inspired by the movie Beaches...I kid, I kid!
Terrence Malick , Jean-Pierre Jeunet, P.T. Anderson, Luc Besson, Quay, Wes Anderson, Lasse Hallström, Aronofsky, Fincher, Soderbergh, Jarmusch, Alfonso Cuarón, Christopher Guest, Sayles, Almodóvar
A Walk in the Woods, A Walk Across America, The Man Who Walked Through Time, My Cousin My Gastroenterologist, Naked, The Alienist, Retro Diner, Illusions