About Me
Anthony Green
My name is Kelby May and I...
Am attending Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) as a sophmore this year in Tacoma, and am a RA in Tingelstad Hall on 5th floor.
Love Jesus because he wont ever break my heart
Love my closest friends, but /only/ them
Will /never/ tell you I love you unless I mean it
Do a lot of reflecting. I feel critical analysis is really important to one's development in life. I'm constantly questioning my beliefs, who I was, who I am, and who I want to be. I'm not constantly changing, but certainly challenging. Challenging your fabric makes you more confident in not only beliefs, but yourself as a person.
Would only join the army if:
1. Upon enlistment, James Earl Jones was assigned to be my personal life story narrator.
2. I was assigned a battle rifle and sniper from H2 and the pistol from Halo1 as my sidearm.
3. I had at least 3 other halo pros I know in my regiment.
My View On the World
Suicide is a cop-out. It’s greedy. Someone loves you, someone is going to be torn apart by your death, why do that to them? Everyone has problems, everyone experiences depression, and if you didn’t have terrible moments in your life you wouldn’t be able to appreciate the amazing ones.
Capitalism is necessary. Everyone rags on our commercially fueled, mass media consuming society, and it’s bullshit. Our economy is set up the way it is because it works. Advertising feeds us sex and the average person sees over 1,500 ads daily because that’s the most effective way to sell the most product to the most people. The more we consume, the more we make, the better off we are. It would be great if we could all live in a socialist society and have no disparity in wealth, but that’s impossible. Human nature will not allow it. It’s an effort described in books like “Fight Club,†undertaken by many, failed by all. Someone always has to be top dog, someone always wants more, someone always has to be better. You can find the truth at any university in the world; your ignorance and ideals don’t make capitalism evil.
You won’t ever be truly happy, and you shouldn't want to be! It’s an impossible pursuit, and a foolish one at that. You can have moments, days, perhaps even a week of nostalgia during which you experience no worries and have no cares, but it doesn’t ever last. You’ll always face pressures, trails, stress, and hardships. It’s a necessary part of living to be challenged and overcome, and if you didn’t feel any need to do so, you clearly aren’t accomplishing much with your life. Happy now?
The thought that kids who party under the influence have more fun is a joke. Honestly, it’s pathetic that so many people actually believe this. I have absolutely no issues with kids who drink, smoke, and do drugs, but if you have to be faded, tanked, trashed, blazed, slammed, or completely fucked up in order to reach your maximum level of enjoyment with life, you’re an addict. You’re living your life as a poison’s bitch, it holds the key to your gateway to happiness, and the fact you live your life in a prison “almost†makes me pity you.
Truly, the person I care about more than anyone on this planet is my little brother, Shaun. I like to think of myself as his ultimate role model, so I try to set a good example. I try and live and share advice so he won’t make the same mistakes I have, but some things we need to learn on our own. He’s taken all of the attributes in me which he sees admirable and applied them to himself as he sees best fit, and I’m really proud of that. No matter how pissed I get at him, I wont ever genuinely care for anyone more.
There isn’t /anyone/ I wouldn’t fuck up for that kid.
Love… To me, it is the most important and most overused word in the english language. It is, in one word, an expression of the deepest level of passion and commitment to one person/thing known to man. I can't stand its over-use, especially between couples. It's bullshit, you won't be together in a year, and you won't care. How can someone believe what you say when you throw the word at every person you date? It makes it really hard to trust that person, and how can you love someone you don't trust completely?
I can't. I'm not in love, and don't know when I will be again, but for me that's not the end of the world. I'm with a girl who makes me so very happy, and I know we care for each other deeply. Right now, that's all I could ask for.