I like about everybody until given a reason not to.If you are into motorcycle's,hotrod car's,competitive long range rifle shoots.Or just about anything else interesting or fun hit me up.This next part doesnt make me an asshole just honest!Who I don't want to meet.Whiney people,for example if you were dropped on your head at 3 months old and your now 45 and still crying.The damadge is permanent live with it.If you are always in some sort of trouble and blame it on everybody else just remember.Ninetyfive percent of the things you get into you volunteered for.The rest is considered a tradgedy beyond your control.In which case I would console you.If you wake up every morning pissed off at the world.Just remember the world didn't put you here.Your parents didn't use a condom and here you are.Go complain to them and piss them off.So if you are normal or close to it I would like to meet you.