The whiskey's gone |
I drank all of my.... well, actually my brothers whiskey and am now left with only vodka, tequila, jaggermeister and beer. I have chosen beer for this whiskeyless occasion. I only have a 6... Posted by Emo Ellie on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 02:12:00 PST |
The keg is dead |
I just poured the last beer out of the keg, now I have to walk all the way to the garage to get more beer. Or I could stay inside and drink whiskey, but I digress, I want more miller... damnit.&... Posted by Emo Ellie on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 10:53:00 PST |
Quit drinking |
I quit drinking for a while, it was hard to do but it changed me for the better. I never really thought of how much I drank until I stopped for a bit, it was terrible. It was 12 of the wor... Posted by Emo Ellie on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 03:51:00 PST |
Hair |
I cut my afro off recently and I now realize it was a huge mistake. My afro had some sort of a Samson effect on me it seems, I was once a strapping young lad of 250lbs, and since I cut the fro I... Posted by Emo Ellie on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 11:31:00 PST |