stax™ [stars come down] profile picture

stax™ [stars come down]

did you know its illegal to lick doorknobs on other planets?

About Me

My name is Stacey... people call me STAX, I'm 21 and i live in saff eeeast londurrrrrn, i love to *giggle* i dont fit in with emo crowds, or scene, or chav or whatever other crowds there are, i'm me, next time you try and class me expect and evil look (:
yes rock is my fav music, but i dont just listen to that alone. i like stuff that makes me dance
I am open and honest, i will tell it how i see it, and i wont change my opinions just because you don't like it. Yeah i am so happy most of the time its annoying hehe. But i have learned within the past year to be happy with myself and comfortable with who i am, i am strong willed and i wont change for you or anyone that comes into my life for that matter, i spent way too much time trying please others in the past and now i am doing it for me. Nothing much brings me down, cos as i see it, if you get caught up in the big things and let them bring you down, you will let the little things in life that make it worth living pass you by.
so yeah, talk (:
My name is Stacey... people call me STAX, I'm 21 and i live in saff eeeast londurrrrrn, i love to *giggle* i dont fit in with emo crowds, or scene, or chav or whatever other crowds there are, i'm me, next time you try and class me expect and evil look =]
yes rock is my fav music, but i dont just listen to that alone. i like stuff that makes me dance
i shall leave it in the wise words of my mates
"Stacey Stacey Stacey, I wanna keep this short and meaningful, well what can i say? Shes amazing, seriously! Meeting this girl changed my life, I can tell her absolutley anything and I know she'd never ever judge me, no matter what. She's so like me its scary. I know i can trust her with anything and i actually dont know what id do without her, shes like a sister to me and i hope we'll be friends for a very very long time! If you dont know this girl then your missing out! Mess with her you mess with me :) ily Stax, never forget that xx"
"Stax - she is a sexy fucker, she is a real women, knows what she wants, she will get, and you will be her victim, i love her to bits, she has been there for me at my lowest points and no matter how bad shit was this girl always gets me smilin, love her t'bitzzz shes fuckin amazin and al not ave ne one say different!"
If you leave me stuff... i will reply... normally lol

My Interests

things i lovethe little things in life
music, playing, writing and listening
hair, hair products and accessories
a good drink so long as it comes in pint form
my beloved hammers(west ham)
make up
PINK!!!!!!! (the colour, not the singing twat)
my ipod
my mobile
my DS
my camera
my lap top
a good book
silly jokes, as in childish sense of homour
singing badly in the shower
a warm bed on a cold night
my bass
my accoustic
getting soaked in the rain(tuh emo!)
drinking with kaela
bacon sandwichs, no fat, plenty of brown sauce
fresh coffee in the morning
lazy days under the duvet
rediscovering old songs
discovering new ones
gigs, i love gigs!

I'd like to meet:

anyone worth talking to, anyone who can keep me entertained and put up with my madness(: I love meeting new people, that awkward silence etc, the butterflies its so funny hehe. obv. i wouldnt sit and talk to you if we have NOTHING in common, but i like a bit of variety, and i dont like being a number, i actually like to chat.View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment


music is my life, i have an obsession for four star mary...(:
and this is true dedication to their fans...

my top 10 songs atm are
1-Stars Come Down-Four Star Mary
2-Gone Away-The Offspring
4-Capital G-Nine Inch Nails
5-Retina In The sky-Idiot Pilot
6-Freebird-Lynard Skinnard
7-Can't Smile-Vex Red
8-I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor-Artic Monkeys
9-Kiss Me-New Found Glory
10-Five Is A Four Letter Word-Lost Prophets


i heart film lots, its hard to name my favs, but heres some....
Dogma (in fact anything Kevin Smith related)
The Long Good Friday
Lock Stock
Hammer Horrors
Bill And Ted
Back To The Future
The Crow
Any Jean Claude Van Damme films (yeah i am that sad i love em)


I don't really have time for it, but when i do its
Mighty Boosh
Family guy
Ugly Betty
Desperate Housewives


I love to read, but there are too many to name, put a good book in front of me, and you wont see me for hours on end =]

At the moment i am getting back into L J Smith and Anne Rice


heres a few... i dunno what i would do without any of them
KAELA- shes amazing seriously, i can always call upon her and tell her whatever, she is like a sister to me. And the best drinking buddy ever. She has been there for me more times then i can count, and knows most of my deepest darkest secrets, i wouldbe lost without her by my side. More than likely she is going trough it at the same time, twiiiiins. Seriously!
SQUISHY-met her on the 1st day of college bunking the psych trip for a cheeky ciggie lol. Never looked back, she'll give you her opinion wanted or not, and she is amazing and always stays true to her word
JASON-Has been an amazing support for me this past year, he even opened his heart and shared his bed with me when i was homeless, what an amazing guy
HENRY-We have been through so much together and come out so much stronger, i know he has always got my back if i need him, and i will always have his
LEE-old school greenwich crew lol. And still he is there for me and makes me giggle to no end, plus i am auntie stax now to his son, and not only that, a godmother too. I better try and behave a bit and look out for the lil sprog lol. But for now.... nahhhh! I'm still young.
EV-He is such a funny git, he always gets me smiling and i know i can call on him whenever i am feeling down, i can tell him anything and it would never shock him, he knows how so pick me up when i am low. he is the best, and he is my geordie hero
KAS-My sister and my best friend, has never given up believing in me, and knows how i appreciate the little things, she has been there for every concert, every exhibition, in fact she has been there for everything i have always had a passion about and support me 100 percent. She was there at my LOWEST point when i had no confidence and self esteem left, she picked me up and gave me the building blocks so to speak to rebuild everything again, for that i will always be grateful.
MUM AND DAD-not like parents to me, like bessie mates, nuff said
Without any of the above and the other mates in my life, i would be nothing, i wouldnt be the person i am today without their support (:

My Blog

moi updated part two

its about time i updated this yet againyeah so get bored if you like....i got shit on at my old job, they were such gits that i left with no job lined up, thankfully i got offered a job the next week,...
Posted by stax™ [stars come down] on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 05:00:00 PST

moi updated

i thought i would update you all on stuff, because the last blog seems like years ago though it was only a few months ago, but i have come so far since then... everything that upset me, just got...
Posted by stax™ [stars come down] on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 11:48:00 PST

the origanal "emo"

i thought i would make you all laugh thats me on the right, this pic was taking 4-5years ago, notice the drainpipes and "emo" fringe this was before the word "emo" and before people were aware o...
Posted by stax™ [stars come down] on Wed, 02 May 2007 02:12:00 PST

the subject of moi, insomnia sucks

call me selfish, call me a bitch but i really dont care, i wanna write things that are going through my mind the moment, because my head now hurts and my ickle mind cant take anymore i only ever ...
Posted by stax™ [stars come down] on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 04:50:00 PST

one question for ya

whats your favourite memory of me?
Posted by stax™ [stars come down] on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 09:25:00 PST


If I could think a million thoughts at once They'd be of you, my heart would explode To feel you again, to have that chance I'd feel the ecstasy of an angels kiss To feel the touch of your sweet lips ...
Posted by stax™ [stars come down] on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 09:21:00 PST


1. Have we kissed?:2. Do you want to?:3. What would you like our relationship to be?:4. Have we dated?:5. Did you like it?:6. Do you want to date?:7. Are we close friends?:8. Would you be here if I ne...
Posted by stax™ [stars come down] on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 11:38:00 PST