MoB Throwdown profile picture

MoB Throwdown


About Me

The beginning of MoB ThrowDown started with the XBOX live and real life friendship of MoB Me3krab and MoB xX Ki11a Xx. Ki11a aka Mike as known by his closest friends was good friends with Me3krab and at the time apart of KSI. Me3krab knew little about KSI, but of which he knew he was sure he didn't like them. One day Me3krab joined Ki11a's party in which there were a number of KSI members and they were discussing about how much they hated MoB and all that it stood for. When Me3krab inquired what MoB was, he was told that it was KSI's biggest enemy and that any member belonging to KSI was forbidden to play with any MoB members.After being in the party with the KSI members Me3krab decided that he was going to piss off ki11a's KSI friends by making a fake MoB clan and joining Ki11a's party. This is when MoB ThrowDown was officially created. The following day when Me3krab and Ki11a were online Me3krab joined his party when all the KSI people were there and was eventually booted because he kept telling them that MoB owned. After this the only way that Me3krab and ki11a could play together was if Ki11a appeared offline so that his fellow KSI members wouldn't boot him from their clan. After a few weeks of having to go through all this trouble Ki11a decided that he wanted out of KSI because he thought it was dumb that you cannot play with your friend that you know in real life.Following ki11a's departure from KSI, Me3krab made his first stop at MoB Deep and read up on their rules and validation process. He became interested and decided that he would stick with the TD name and make his first MoB tag: MoB Me3krab and ki11a did the same by making his first: MoB xX Ki11a Xx. This marked the official beginning of ThrowDown and the strive to become validated.The dedication of TD's founding members brought new recruits that added to the growth of ThrowDown and put TD on track for validation. As the clan began to grow and mature it was time for a website, but unfortunately due to malfunction TD was unable to get a site under a MoBGamingFamily subdomain so instead a domain was bought and MoB was born. With the site launched and activity on live and on the web increasing TD began to give ranks to its dedicated members, thus molding TD into the likes of a validated branch. The hardwork was finally starting to payoff as the Commision and Godfath3r began to take notice. After a couple weeks in which the Commision routinely brought up our validation and coming back with ways in which to improve, we finally got it right and were validated. To those members that were there from the beginning this was definitely the achievement that they were working for, but at the same time they knew that there was so much more ahead of them.After validation other MoB clans began to take notice to our expansion and the number of loyal MoB members we had. To this day our clan continues to grow on a daily basis whether it be new recruits or other MoB members wishing to experience being apart of TD. Recently TD was happy to have its first appearance at an MLG event. Despite a dissapointing outcome by the members attending, the rest of TD was proud just knowing that they went there to represent our clan. Those that went certainly gained a wealth of knowledge and we look forward to their success at upcoming MLG events.After about 3 months of being validated ThrowDown has taken on yet another challenge and responsibility; its first sub branch known as Extortion TD. Extortion is still in the process of developing and growing, but through the dedication of TD and newly aquired Extortion members there is no doubt that they will become just as successful as their counterpart (TD), thus adding another chapter to ThrowDown's ever growing history.

My Interests


Family Sites:



Official Forum Board:

On the MoB Payroll:

I'd like to meet:

MoB Me3krab TD's first montage MoB Twitch TD's trailer to his first montage... [we can't wait to see the finished product] MoB LACED23s TD's 2nd montage
