Flower ™
Caught my eye, Took me by suprise.
Like a flower, You took me over.
Next to me you stand, Taken hand in hand.
Stare me down until I fall, You could never have it all.
I am in full colour, You..Slowly fading away.
Leaving me behind, To fall even further than you've ever fallen before.
Left in the cold, Without you to hold.
I knew we would never make it through the storm. In beloved memory of what was once my heart...Pictures of Lauren-Ashlee.. Comment Lauren-Ashlee.. Messege Lauren-Ashlee.. names lauren-ashlee..imm 15yess..im a nerangatangalmost finished school..i say 'sik' alot..im pretty random..pretty shit..but owell!ive made alot of misakes..but shit happens!i hate people who think they are top shit, truth is..yourr BOTTOM SHIT!im not normal...but its not cool to be.i know im ugly...so dont try and tell me otherwise..coz i know your lying.Girls piss me off, and bitching is pointless..SO SHUT UP!i like emos and scene kids..i think they're cute.if you piss me off, i'll tell you.if you talk too much..ill tell you to shhh.im scared of commitment.but nothing else..im pretty fearless.Love only comes true in fairytales.YOU KNOW IM RIGHT!Yourr better off having close friends and one nightt stands.i smile alot..maybe too much!!i wana b famous..doubt it'll happen..but ill try.i figured out tha meening of life;its jst a brain teaser that god laughs at us when we try 2 figure it outhe pissed his pants wen he saw mee..i think ive sed enuff.so goodbye =]♥add meee [email protected]Believe it or nott.
I lovee myy sisterr.
She is myy world.
If she wasnt here..
Myy world wood stop spinningg.
She is myy everythingg.
Only eight years old, yet so much wisdom.
Loveyooh baby girl!!ZAC ur awsum,i love yooh, my Biffle in da hole wide wurld.
Bros b4 hos, even tho we've hadd a rough trot..i still love yooh!
courtesyy of my mummy..
we have this strangee connection andd we laughh at the stupidest things, like'Your a weirdo on toast!!
i dont know wat i wood do withoutt youu..
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