Music, Baseball, Having a Good Time.
During their performance at Lollapalooza 2007 Pearl Jam sent George Bush a message, AT&T decided to take it upon themselves to censor Eddie Vedder and crew. Below is first what was shown during the performance and second is what you should have seen. What ensued was essentially censorship of the artist. We can not allow big companies to censor artists'. Fuck AT&T and Fuck George Bush.
The Beatles, Led Zep,Dave Matthews Band, Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, Bob Marley, Gomez,Pearl Jam!
Goodfellas, Casino, and anything with Will Ferrell in it.
I really only watch 3 things. The Sopranos, Angel games ans Sportscenter!
Anything history or politics related.
Isn't this something you talk about when you get to know someone better? haha..