Circle Records profile picture

Circle Records

You just can't keep a sometimes friend forever

About Me

As a record label, we pride ourselves on getting the music to you via high-quality Vinyl pressings (our favourite format) and corresponding Compact Discs, appropriately designed and made with full attention to detail. We want to give recognition to under-appreciated musicians and performers: Those who perhaps weren’t ‘in the right place at the right time’, didn’t manage to ‘clinch the deal’, or whose ideas may not have fitted into the commercial demands of the record industry – either ‘then’ or ‘now’. Our motto is “Quality not Quantity”, and we are determined to present ‘our’ artists on record in a respectful, fitting way. In an age where some people just ‘take what they want’ for use on record, without being mindful of legalities involved. All “Circle” records are legitimate, and take into account royalties due to both artists and copyright owners (records are made with the assistance and co-operation of group members wherever possible). Because of these factors, each project can often take a long time to get to the ‘release’ stage, but when it does, we hope that the resulting records bring happiness and satisfaction to both artists and customers alike. So, while you’re here, please take time to look around and enjoy the features. Our shop stocks a variety of other labels’ products alongside our own, and makes purchasing easy and quick. We’re always happy to hear your views and suggestions, via the ‘site forum or e-mail. Its always nice to hear from you, or to add a new member to our mailing list. Above all, have fun and keep listening: It’s the music that matters, and you’ll always find enthusiasm for that, from your friends at Circle Records. –To see our new shop please go to our shopI edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests


Member Since: 28/09/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Pete. Wild (Director and allnight worker)
Olga Wild ( Secretary, "Ma" and calming influence)
With serious help from, and credit to these freelance 'Movers and Shakers':
Bruce & Mary at Arthole
Rob "Le Beat Bespoke" Bailey
Paul Lobb
Mike Stax
Mark Raison
Influences: 'Fifties: 'Hard' British Rock 'n' Roll - Johnny Kidd, Vince Taylor etc.
'Sixties: Mod, Beat, Psychedelia, Brit. R'n'B, Soul, Early Reggae.
'Seventies: Hard Rock, Early Punk, Mod Revival.
Sounds Like: All the things you loved about music from the three greatest decades of last century, plus things you don't know about from the future!
Record Label: Oh Yes We Are!
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

New Single from The Masonics Released Monday 2nd November

Hi Folks,    How is it that we've been on here for years, and this is the first blog? Well, maybe I've been waiting for My*rse to become a little less trendy before I joined-in? Yeah, a bit like my at...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Oct 2009 18:11:00 GMT