Miss Allison Bailey DeFries. I am a shopemore and i play soccer for southaven high.My life is complicated. I love all kinds of animals. I hate when people assume things. I love playing soccer and pratcing with the boys for baseball. I try not to be judgmental. I like using big words, they make me sound smart.I listen to all kinds of music. I try not to be raciest, but it never works. I am very organized.Some people say i'm crazy I turn around and say you have no idea.I strive to make good grades. I dance in front of the mirror at night. I wear my pj bottoms below my waist because i'm so hood.I play in the mud. I hate fish.My worst fear is getting hurt on my ankle. I tend to go of subject. I'm in love with myself.I was born in Jonesboro,AR. I can be fearless. I talk way too much. I swear I have more blonde moments than a brunette should ever have yet, my natural hair color is red. Go figure.I think I have amazing eyes, and I'm incredibly sneaky. My outfit usually reflects what mood I'm in. I have 2 dogs. I get in trouble too much, and every time I turn around I get grounded. I hate wearing shoes. My feet are tougher than my hands. I love cliff diving. I'm not a great swimmer. and I love too easily. Now top that story.:]