"You do or you dont. You will or u wont. If your not forshore than i am out the door.""I need a girl wit some killer so i can killer. A dime like crack I ll pipe her. Nut than put life back into her." form action='http://www.kwiz.biz/simplesurveys/do-survey.php' method='post' target='_new'
Name: Booi D tha Smoothest
Birthdate: April 19
Birthplace: Hill District
Current Location: Sugartop of the Hill
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: black
Height: 5'10
Piercings: One ear thats man like
Tatoos: both of my arms
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: currently seeing someone
Overused Phraze: Is you crazy or retard?
Food: homemade taco's{key to my heart threw my stomach]
Candy: I dont like candy to much
Number: 19
Color: bloody red
Animal: pit bull
Drink: capri sons
Alcohol Drink: hennesy,moet,patron
Bagel: plan with strawberry creamcheese
Letter: M for money, money, money
Body Part on Opposite sex:
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: burgerking
Strawberry or Watermelon: strawburry
Hot tea or Ice tea: sweet ice tea
Chocolate or Vanilla vanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: coffee
Kiss or Hug: hugged shouldnt kiss
Dog or Cat: dogs hate cats
Rap or Punk: Is you crazy or retard?
Summer or Winter: summer the females come outside
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny movies
Love or Money: money love dont live here no more
Bedtime: hustlers dont sleep
Most Missed Memory: my best fried Jeff Rawglings miss you my nigga
Best phyiscal feature: when girls talk to me they tend to look at my lips
First Thought Waking Up: I should thank god for letting me wake
Goal for this year: get my grown man on
Best Friends: R marky dude, my lil sis Brittany
Weakness: Trying be niggas friend
Fears: that i dont suceed in life
Heritage: africian american
Longest relationship: 6 years
Ever Drank: all the time fish like
Ever Smoked: mary j loves me
Pot: love of my life
Ever been Drunk: 21st b day passed out in the loga
Ever been beaten up: in the bedroom
Ever beaten someone up: the same time i got beat up
Ever Shoplifted: I needed some chapstick
Ever Skinny Dipped: in the bath tub
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: You gay if you didnt
Been Dumped Lately: i make the decison's
Favorite Eye Color: light colored
Favorite Hair Color: I like girls who switch every now and than
Short or Long: dont matter long as its your
Height: 5'0 to 5'8
Style: sexy
Looks or Personality: 1 to 10 about a 7 and up/outgoing,
Hot or Cute Hot because I be looking fly so she should be able to match
Drugs and Alcohol: do you pretty lady
Muscular or Really Skinny: I like a nice shaped body
Number of Regrets in the Past: 1 fucking wit you niggas
What country do you want to Visit: Africa to get some insight on whats going on over there
How do you want to Die: in my sleep
Been to the Mall Lately: yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: we can get alittle closer if you are.
Get along with your Parents: Iam embrassed to say no
Health Freak: not really
Believe in Yourself: Iam the man iam the man
Want to go to College: yup to norfolk in VA
Do you Smoke: mary j
Shower Daily: wouldnt feel right if i didnt
Been in Love: yes but dont know how i feel about love
Do you Sing: in the shower or in the car
Want to get Married: no doubt big house, dog in the yard
Do you want Children: 2 Jeramiah and Ryan[boy and girl]
Have your future kids names planned out: Jeramiah and Ryan
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: 14 years old
Hate anyone: dont hate them whats another word?
Another nigga like me. Damn a nigga who dont hate. Niggas getting money and not worry about what you doing. Some niggas who aint standing around looking at everybody else. Some niggas who wants to get it themselves. Damn some niggas who hasnt fell off since high school homie. Some bitches who get money on there own and aint sitting around waiting for there man to come home. Some bitches who dont use niggas for what they got cause there to busy trying to get there own. Some real ladies who take care of there kids and dont look at them like a check o.k. bithes
I like niggas from the hill district i like what them niggas is doing. I like East coast musicion1
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