We live in a world filled with so much hype and we fall prey to believe every end result. Television has blinded us to believe that what we see with our natural eyes, is the end result and then we end up recycling this system of hype all over again. Very rarely do you see what a person really had to go through to get to the end result. Don't let hype get the best of you. Hype is like yeast is to dough. It makes things seem bigger than what it really is. It falsifies the true value of a thing. We all have the power to not allow hype to be a part of our life. Question...What is the true motivation behind your life? Is it to empower & help others or for hype & selfish gain? God is willing to meet us where we're at if we're willing to self examine ourselves and embrace the truth. The greatest freedom any person can have is to come to God in truth and allow Him to fill you with His Love therefore yielding His purpose for your life. Also, don't ever let people dictate to you that you can't be real for God. God is so big, that each person in this world has been predestined and uniquely designed to be used by Him if they choose to be used by Him. So many influences in this world tempt us to live a life of hype but God's Truth and God's Love can overthrow falsehood and keeps us real before Him even if our realness offends others. Jesus offended alot of people back in the day. He just spoke the truth in Love and some people got offended because they couldn't receive it. God's Love & Truth will rub flesh the wrong way. Since we all were born in sin, the flesh naturally desires to believe and defend the hype and will continue to put up a fight just to become something other than what God has called us to be. People can't put God in a box because He can't be put in a box and since He created us and if we agree with Him, we can't either. God can use people in so many ways, but are we open enough to receive it?