My general interest is children. I care very much about children. I feel the times are changing and nobody is working together to keep our children safe. With my kids, it me against the world. I will always look out for their best interest. As long as I'm alive, I will always be there for them. I place a valuable interest into what my children learn these days. TV and radio, don't help. My other interest is making money. I like marketing sales. It's fun and you have a chance to meet great people. Besides, I market a service that people can really use. Some people actually need it to protect them and their family. It is useful for businesses and their employees too. With this business, I clock my own schedule. Some hours are still missing! :)
I'd like to meet Jesus when he comes.
I love Gospel and some R&B and Oldies Soul.
I'm stuck on Little House on the Prarie. I can't shake it.
Jesus is my hero. If I had to endure what he went through, I would probably give up or die. Did you see " The Passion of Christ"?