Ms Divine's Tee Hee Heure
Ms Divine's Tee Hee Heure is a weekly variety show comprised of surreal sketch films, bizarre performances, nutty recitals and comical random improvisations.. Tune in to the absurdity and witness this cartoon-like world brought to life, written, acted and directed by Ms DivineAiring weekly on Queens Public Television
Sundays -- 06:30AM -- Time Warner Chn 34; RCN Cable Chn 82
Fridays -- 5:30PM -- Time Warner Chn 56; RCN Cable Chn 84
AIRING weekly on Manhattan Neighborhood Network TV (MNN)
Mondays ------ 10:30PM -- Time Warner Chn 67; RCN Cable Chn 85
Note: QPTV (Queens Public TV) and MNN is available to all residents of the entire borough of Queens and Manhattan New York who subscribe to Time Warner or RCN cable. (That's a couple of million!)
So support free media!BOYCOTT Satellite and Direct TV!!!!
Sneak Peek of Ms. Divine's Tee Hee Heure
Sketch Films, monologues, musicals, improvisations and other pieces.. .. ..
You can view more videos at or at Ms Divine on YouTube