Observation. Assessment of observation. Unhealthy obsession with Assessment. Repeat.
I'm not entirely certain whether I want to become a recluse and never leave my home again or drop myself in the midst of the rabble and never look back.
Neutral Milk Hotel. Bright Eyes. The Faint. Skinny Puppy. Muse. VAST. Leonard Cohen. Morressy. Johnny Cash. David Bowie. The Notwist. VNV Nation.
I enjoy so many yet I can never think of anything to put in this silly box. If the box refuses to inspire, I refuse to participate.
American Psycho. One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich. The Salmon of Doubt. The Gunslinger.
"This is my house, fucko!" (Hero... washed up actor from the 1980's.... they go hand in hand.)