Frank Jhon Francis Michael Leon profile picture

Frank Jhon Francis Michael Leon

The bitter potion by which you heal your sick self

About Me


My Interests

I enjoy spoken word, which i occasionally perform, and heavy drinking an activity i often partake in. I admit it, i'm an avid wrestling fan, but have dwindeling faith in the wwe. I studied acting and love performance art, when iv had enough of this bollox country i'd like to do harm reduction in Asia through performance and arts and crafts

I'd like to meet:

Blondes or Asian girls with average builds who enjoy house work. failing that, other sexist men. I don't really know about new people, they all seem a bit strange to me. But my life will not be complete until Iv had a beer, with Jake Roberts, or Raven, maybe both wow. There are many people i would love to meet Kevin Smith, Dylan Moran, Nelson Mandela. I'd also love to meet Deren Brown or dave chappelle

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You Are 24% Girly
You are a pretty hardcore tomboy, and a very free spirit.
Gender roles be dammed, you like to do things your way. How Girly Are You?
You Have Many Alpha Tendencies
You're not a total alpha female, but you certainly know how to - and like to - get your way.
You're forceful without being intimidating. You're confident without being vain. A perfect mix. Are You an Alpha Female?


So i might not be the most musically aclectic person in the world, but I knows what I likes. Tool, the Wildehears, Ian Rilen and the love addicts, Leo Kotke, Daniel Johnston, Jhonny Cash, Metric and other things like the beatles, zepplin, prodigy, pendulum blah blah blah. I nearly forgot James Bolton thats where its at.


I like lots of films, from the breakfast club and anal whores three. my fravourite film is Amelie though. I loved etre et voire, which hit close to home. and bubba ho tep, momento, go, and indicent preposal oh and naturall born killers im a suker for romance films really, and woody harelson.


I love cartoons for older generations, the Boondocks, Aqua teen hunger force, robot chicken, King of the Hill. I loved the mitchell and webb look and the Dave Chappelle show. but a big shout out to penguin week, fantastic.


Im not a Kean reader but iv read all three of Foley's books. I like Chuck Palhinuick and the pagemaster, my child hood book of choice. I am also fond of comic book writer Warren Ellis, who did transmetropolitain.


Bernard Black, the Dynamite Kid, Scott Leavy, Bill Hicks, Jenna Jameson, Jake Roberts, Spider Jerusalem, Ginger Wildeheart, Paul Hayman, Atsushi Onita, Jhon Cooper Clark, Phillip Leon, Huey Freeman and so many more.
Name: frank Leon
Birthday: 11/02/85
Birthplace: Melbourne, Australia
Current Location: Brighton & Hove
Eye Color: green, yellow little bit
Hair Color: a bouquet of ginger and not quite ginger
Height: 6,2
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage: irish, polish
The Shoes You Wore Today: TK Max, average shoes
Your Weakness: girls and lies
Your Fears: not being famous
Your Perfect Pizza: not that fusy, just not to many vegetables
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: to be working indies in the states
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: dont use messenger
Thoughts First Waking Up: oh what a wonerous day im about to have, no
Your Best Physical Feature: left knee, lady killer
Your Bedtime: either 9, 4 in the morning, or not at all
Your Most Missed Memory: college: performing arts, NOA, and actually pulling at partys
Pepsi or Coke: coke
MacDonalds or Burger King: im gona say bk, but its close
Single or Group Dates: single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: ice tea... peach
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee: cappuccino
Do you Smoke: with gusto
Do you Swear: absolutely
Do you Sing: no
Do you Shower Daily: im gona say yes
Have you Been in Love: yes
Do you want to go to College: been, oh the memories
Do you want to get Married: to the woman of my dreams
Do you belive in yourself: sometimes
&..39;Do you get Motion Sickness:' no
Do you think you are Attractive: i have to say a bit yeah
Are you a Health Freak: no no
Do you get along with your Parents: when im nice, there always nice though
Do you like Thunderstorms: nothing like a south pacific brew haha
Do you play an Instrument:
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: sertainly have
In the past month have you Smoked: woops
In the past month have you been on Drugs: alcohols a drug. got out of that question
In the past month have you gone on a Date: no
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: maybe
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: what? no
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: actually yes
In the past month have you been on Stage: month before
In the past month have you been Dumped: no, thats positive at least
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: probably, infact yes
Ever been Drunk: yes a lot
Ever been called a Tease: hey, im not exactly fending them off
Ever been Beaten up: poorly
Ever Shoplifted: yes
How do you want to Die: in prose
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: i want to live on the road, live for the show, be creative.
What country would you most like to Visit: America
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: blue
Favourite Hair Color: brown now days
Short or Long Hair: long
Height: around my shoulder
Weight: id like her to be happy with her weight, i doubt i'd care
Best Clothing Style: baggy, not to marketed
Number of Drugs I have taken: drugs stop me from recalling
Number of CDs I own: 30, 40
Number of Piercings: none yet
Number of Tattoos: none yet
Number of things in my Past I Regret: what dont i regret

My Blog

newest attractions

roofio is an orphaned grey forest dweling night wolf (or so it would seem). his lovely wife has been with us at the centre for three months. there very happy and im sure soon we will have to extend th...
Posted by Frank Jhon Francis Michael Leon on Sat, 12 May 2007 08:13:00 PST

petting zoo

i have adobted this internet creature. thanks to the vigilante eye of staff on hand here at the zoo, we hope to keep his state of well being high for future breeding. i hope you have a woderull time v...
Posted by Frank Jhon Francis Michael Leon on Sat, 12 May 2007 07:50:00 PST