.. WWW.GETEXPELLED.COM THIS GOT ME FIRED UP WOOHOOO!! REVOLUTION TIME!!heal my heart and make it clean open up my eyes to the things unseen show me how to love like You have loved me break my heart for what breaks Yours everything i am for Your kingdoms cause as I go from earth into eternity.i want to live i want to love You more i want to be used Father in all of the world may Your word be heard May it stay on my lips to live what i speak until Your kingdom come.* I'm from Long Island NEW YORK, I believe there is no other place on earth better than that large apple, I got married 9-29-07 and now have a wonderful husband attached to my hip. We have a baby pooch, Maximus.. he runs in circles. Terrified out of my mind to have kids, so please, don't ask when.. it will be years. We currently live in Charlotte NC and are trying to figure out life's next step, ehh it will have to do for now. I ask lots of questions, I think I need to live somewhere tropical, I like peanut butter, addicted to diet coke but am trying to quit, I think summer is divine, along with the beach, the clouds,etc. I like to channel my inner 5 year old with paint and crayons, I do love britney spears and I don't care what you say, I have great great friends, I absolutely despise reptiles, and oh my gosh the list does indeed go on.. i will not bore you any longer =] SunnieD27 = aim SN.. be my friend, I love everyone!