Plain Slice Mike profile picture

Plain Slice Mike

About Me

Anyone who knows Mike would say he is "unusual."For relaxation, Mike likes to watch something on tv while practicing some tunes. Another thing he likes to do is collect things - in other words he is a clutter magnet. Since his wife is an organization freak this keeps them both busy. For example, when the Truitt's got new stones in their driveway, Mike spent LOTS of time looking for fossils and other neat things. He filled so many things with rocks that his wife secretly started throwing them back into the driveway so he could find them again!Mike's music is truly an outlet for his personality because he is able to both express his thoughts and also connect with people of all ages.Something that isnt evident on Mike's CD's is his storytelling ability. He hopes to make a recording of his folk tales in the near future.Hopefully he will record the time he preached over the town's loudspeakers when he was about 8 years old. His topic was mostly all the bad words in the Bible.
Maybe he will record the time he started a revival in the local church with the assistance of some red-hot bb's.
Donate to Plain Slice Mikes Street and Boardwalk Out Reach!
Here's a video of Mike jamming on 9th street in Ocean City, MD.
Check out Plain Slice Mike Playing "Beauty For My Ashes"
Check out Plain Slice Mike jamming "Rollin"
Plain Slice Mike Jamming "Hold the Door"....

My Interests


Member Since: 28/09/2006
Band Website: ponebread com
Band Members: yours truly...
Sounds Like: Dylan, Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson, Plain Slice Mike!
Record Label:

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