Jake profile picture


If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it, dykwim?

About Me

I go to Sheffield Hallam Uni, I front a band called Liz Meets Jake. I recently built a website for a community project. I walked the pennine way (270 miles) in June this year. I like music a fucking LOT. Also good classic movies, like Citizen Kane and The Third Man. I'm also an arrogant condescending cock that looks down on people less intelligent that myselfHEHE! Your results:
You are Daniel Craig Daniel Craig 84% Roger Moore 59% Pierce Brosnan 55% Sean Connery 52% George Lazenby 51% Timothy Dalton 49% The sixth actor to play Bond in the movies promises to be a more realistic, down to earth and not so perfect James Bond, while still being a sexy womanizer.
Click here to take the James Bond Personality Test
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MySpace Layouts

My Interests

Guitars man! also a big chesterfield FC fan

I'd like to meet:

.. width="425" height="350" ..Noel Gallagher The Queen (piss on her) David Cameron (piss on him) Elton John (piss on him) Les Dennis Wainwright


Indie and rock and punk
