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About Me

After a long break Engine ChatChat will reconvene this Wednesday at 8pm at The Tempo​rary Schoo​l of Thoug​ht - click on the link for more details and other things going on
Also Claudia will be running TreeHouse training workshops on Wednesday at 3pm & Thursday at 2pm...
The idea is a whole​ week of frees​chool​esque​ dayti​me event​s in the new space​ in Mayfa​ir,​ Unive​rseCi​ty.​ The class​es/​discu​ssion​s/​lectu​res/​works​ho ps/​activ​ities​ will inclu​de a wide varie​ty of knowl​edge and skill​ shari​ng,​ rangi​ng from weldi​ng to patap​hysic​s,​ garde​ning to class​ical india​n music​,​ arabi​c to role playi​ng,​ labyr​inth build​ing to life drawi​ng.​
Also on Wednesday evening we will be holding an Engine ChatChat
after dinner at 8pm. Click on the link for details, but the idea is that you bring artwork, a song, a poem, a film or just yourself and we have an open discussion group with tea!
Claudia's TreeHouse Training workshops: Wednesday at 3pm - InHouse training: will take place in the squat, learn to tie knots and lashings and build a willow dome. Thursday at 2pm - InTree training: will take place in Green Park, learn to climb with a harness and build a treehouse! Please note it is important to come to both sessions, as we will be clandestines on a mission in Green Park so you'll need to know what you're doing!

Come join this week (​Monda​y 5 Janua​ry to Sunda​y 11 Janua​ry)​ from 11am til 7pm for all the other amazing classes going on. There​ is still​ an oppor​tunit​y to hold/​initi​ate sessi​ons,​ so do get in touch​ asap if you'​re inter​ested​.​
The house​ phone​ numbe​r is 0753 207 2087,​ and you can email​ on perso​ns_​unkno​wn@​hotma​il.​co.​uk
For more details please go to Engine ChatChat
or email [email protected]
Chat about your creative ideas, listen to other people’s. bring along your work, Poetry Visual art Music Dance Performance
YUM Art talk
Engine ChatChat started off as an idea to keep up with some creative talk and feed back, which is not based around an institution or college. The idea is, as we see it, a place to give each other some constructive crit, encouragement, opinions on each others work or on an exhibiton we have seen/ music/performance- anything.
Since starting, Engine ChatChat has evolved into an artists collective and has crossed over disciplines leading to collaborations in music, film, performance and visual art. Elizabeth, Claudia, Lizzie and Natalie have now exhibited two shows in a series of four installative exhibitions spread over this year. The First of Four:'Orbis Opifex' having been shown at the foundry in January (see flyer and slideshow of images below). The Second of Four: 'Conspectus Enigmarum' was exhibited the at the Whitechapel Factory in June. The next will be exhibited at the Melange Social Club in September.
We have an Engine ChatChat group which is open for people to post images and start discussions or tell us about shows or possible venues and suggestions for Engine ChatChat, Engine Chat Chat
If you'd like to join our mailing list and keep up tp date with going on please fill in the form bellow....:
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Coming Up....

Constance Howard Resourse and Research Centre, Deptford Town Hall, New Cross Road London, SE14 6AF (New Cross Gate)

12th June - 25th July
A group show from the collective with individual pieces in which the artists, all having begun their art career from textiles, demonstrate the varying paths their work has taken.Lizzie Cannon at Down TO Earth
Oh art Oxford House Café Derbyshire Street Bethnal Green London
OpenArtweek at the Foundry
7th -12th August

The Foundry, 86 Great Eastern Street, EC1 (opposite Old Street Tube)

From Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th we will have the disc room at the Foundry. It will be set up as an open artist residency type thing where work gets created on tues/weds/thurs/fri and opens as an exhibition on friday and saturday.

Second of Four: Conspectus Enigmarum
Following on from the alchemic explorations of Orbis Opifex, the second exhibition in the quadology by these four Goldsmith’s graduates is Conspectus Enigmarum: an installation drawing parallels between the sky and the human mind, revealing the changeable nature, reflective illumination and contemplative atmosphere of gazing inwards and upwards at the same time. We do not know whether the things afflicting us are the secret beginning of our ulterior happiness or not. We now see ‘per speculum in aenigmate: in an enigma by means of a mirror’
‘nothing can be contingent in the work of an infinite mind’
Louis Borges
Whitechapel Factory , 2a East Mount Street, London
31st May - 10th June
Events with 'Conspectus Enigmarum' Exhibiiton
Thursday 31st May 6-8pm: Opening Night with Musical Interreactive Performance
from The Object Botherers, Phil Dale, Matt Kelly & Will Fearless, who will respond through sound to the piece.
Sunday 3rd June 4pm: Engine ChatChat.

'Life Cycles'
A carbon neutral exhibition, organised by Bash Creations
Venue: Crypt, St. Pancras Church, Euston Road, London, NW1 2BA
Dates (inclusive): ‘Death’ 2nd March 2007 - 7th March 2007; ‘Life’ 9th March 2007 - 14th March 2007

Musical Interreactive Performance
On the opening night, Tuesday 23rd, The Object Botherers, Phil Dale, Matt Kelly & Will Fearless, respond through sound to Orbis Opifex.

  • Events with First Orbis Opifex Exhibiiton
    Friday 19th January 12-1pm: Resonance Late Breakfast Show. .
    Tuesday 23rd January 6-8pm: Opening Night Performance. See Above
    Friday 2nd February 12-1pm: Resonance Late Breakfast Show.
    Friday 2nd February 6pm: Recycled Music Performance.
    Friday 2nd February 8pm: Engine ChatChat.
    Saturday 3rd February 8pm: Vocal Experimentation.

  • My Blog

    pass it on projects

    The first in the series of pass it on projects was mailart, a collaboration between a group of artists and musicians, some of which are in Wupadupa and some in Engine Chat Chat, and some in neith...
    Posted by on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 06:30:00 GMT


    SECOND OF FOUR: CONSPECTUS ENIGMARUM31st May-10th June ELIZABETH MURTON / LIZZIE CANNON / CLAUDIA MOSELEY / NATALIE MACLENNAN Whitechapel Factory, 2a East Mount Street, E1 1BA (opposite Whitechapel T...
    Posted by on Thu, 31 May 2007 03:51:00 GMT

    NEXT ENGINE CHATCHAT this saturday @ Everlasting Materiality

    The next Engine ChatChat will take place at the Ada Street Gallery, off Broadway Market on Saturday at 3pm. It will be amongst the exhibition bellow: Everlasting Materiality Ada Street Gallery...
    Posted by on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 17:03:00 GMT

    Gooood tings....

    Alloa , all things go well well....We will be having another engine chatchat mighty soon, hopefully in a wonderful new venue that we recently discovered on kingsland road. We are also in the process o...
    Posted by on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 08:42:00 GMT


    Musical Interreactive PerformanceOn the opening night, Tuesday 23rd, musicians Phil Dale, Matt Kelly & Will Fearless will recycle and transform artifacts and their sounds in response to Orbis Opif...
    Posted by on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 08:15:00 GMT


    The next engine chatchat will be held in the mystical brocoli manor next sunday 10th december....It will be a most marvellous one as we will be holding a mini exhibition! There will ofcourse be yummy ...
    Posted by on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 10:10:00 GMT