Cannot change just what I know,certain scars will always show.In many ways I broke the mold,now my pain's just getting old.Cannot alter what I've seen.Carry shame from where I've been.Broken torment b...Posted by on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 20:32:00 GMT
Fill this out and we'll consider our future:) Whats your full name? Whats your age? Where do you live? How tall are you? Do you prefer blondes or dark hair? Do you like sushi [not just c...Posted by on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 16:53:00 GMT
i hate
I hate the kinda girl who is all like "i wax my varigina because my man likes it" .....lmmfao....Posted by on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 23:01:00 GMT