moose used to be that dude dressed up as the statue of liberty on rt 40. mama was a bio-chemical engineer for the world's leadin manufacturer of urinal cakes. andy was a bum. one fateful day last year they all met in the unemployment line. banging on a tin can and ranting (in tune) about the woes of the world, andy asked moose to hum a few notes to accompany him. boldly springing into action, mama grabbed a beat up plastic paint bucket, filled it half way with small rocks and began to rock it back and forth in a violent manner. a stray cat walked by and joined in. the rest of the people in line quickly grew very fond of thier "new" sound and began throwing things at them. mistaking the sharp and heavy objects flying through the air for money, the trio devised a plan. "we could do this all the time and make a killing!" so far they have not made a killing. in fact not much more than a dollar. yet they remain true to thier vision and can be seen on many a street corner to this day. the shows are typically free and full of high spirit. check em out!"project pocket is wierd. i dont like them very much." * some guy"dont they realize that people are trying to shut them up by throwing sharp heavy objects at them?" * random girl"i know music and THAT is not music" * andys mom"youre under arrest" * howard county police..
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