Founded in 2003 and established in 2006, Summer Girlz, LLC is an Atlanta based Model Marketing and Management Firm designed to develop and create career opportunities, as well as mentor and serve as positive role models in our community. With integrity, Summer Girlz aims to become the central resource center for the fashion, corporate and entertainment world.Behind every great lady there is a powerful woman that Dreams, Develops and Delivers. Throughout modern history women have driven the entertainment and fashion world. Ranging from artist, music videos, hair, make up, runway models, magazines, swim suit models, designers and the list continues. Today, women are making great strides in the corporate business world and in both worlds, women are simply looking for a name that represent excellence and does not lack integrity.Summer Girlz is structured to empower, train and teach models how to market and advertise themselves in corporate as well as fashion and entertainment world. It takes more than glamour and photography to become a model. As the modeling industry multiplies on a daily basis, models wants to be in a position to succeed. Whether providing spokes models, convention models, runway models, print and promtional models or coordinating exclusive events. Summer Girlz sorority of models will represent excellence.Summer Girlz is dedicated to seeing that models recieve the proper training in the beginning and experience a sense of success throughout their career.Comitted to community development and making a difference in the lives of people from around the globe. Summer Girlz has partnered with Atlanta based Music For Charities to facilitate fundraisers for charities and non-profit organization through Live Music and Fashion.Summer Girlz not only serves as resource for models but businesses as well. Catering directly to the needs of the clients.In order for any business or product to capitalize on the success of its market today, it takes the right type of promotions. Promoting artist, models, stylist, businesses, product, shows and venues. SummerGirlz. is a sorority that has no age, color or boundaries.With the fashion and entertainment world being two of the highest grossing occupations in the world today, become a part of this market. Efficiently ran, Summer Girlz is a corporate organization that takes great pride in building and helping you secure a future in this industry that we have all come to know and love.What We Can Do For Your Business
Spokes Models,Convention Models,Runway Models,
Print Models,Promotions,Event CoordinationWhat We Can Do For Models
Photography,Comp Cards,Web Design
Fashion Consultant, Hair Stylist,Exposure
Make Up Artist, Model Training,Constant Work"Dream It - Develop It - Deliver It" Blogs - Morris Brown Home Coming - Music For Charities MySpace Blog