Love the beach. Camping. Seeing bands. Hiking. Exploring Cali and the many great places it has to offer. Listening to loud/heavy music. Dancing, working out, and of course, cooking for friends! I've been expanding my culinary skills for a while now living in LA and have used my friends as the guinea pigs! It makes it kinda hard for me to sample certain foods as I most recently found out that I have aquired many a food allergy in my old age! Specifically sulfites and dairy. Which makes it pretty hard to enjoy my favorites! A good Pinot, shellfish and imported cheese! :( I am a true fan of people. I think everyone deserves a little bit of love and attention once in a while, so I try hard to give that back a lot in life! One thing I'm trying to do and have gotten better at, is to relax and go with the flow and not plan and organize every aspect of my life. I can thank my friends and family for helping me deal with that better! :)
FAITH NO MORE - Stripsearch
"last" Faith No More videoclip, from 1997 'Album Of The Year'
kittens inspired by kittens
This is adorable!