The name is Carling, but my friends call me Billie. [dont ask.]I live in Canada. Eh? I believe music save my life. I dont believe in labels. If you want to label me according to the way I dress or the music I listen to, you can crawl in a ditch and die. I don't smoke. I don't drink. I respect my body; thank you. =] I like to think I'm a nice person for the most part. Just dont insult my music, idols or friends. =] Coke is pretty much the greatest drink ever invented. I'm quite random. I swear a lot.Boys in girl jeans and eyeliner are cuties. I'm the least photogenic person you will ever meet. I have the strangest rolemodels. But I completely admire them. I have the most random taste in music. I hate cleaning. I say rad too much. I always wear jeans, t-shirt and a hoodie. I love going to concerts. Red Bull is pretty rad. I love animals. My guitar is a close friend. I'm immature. I have a horrid sense of style. I wear a shitload of eye makeup. Smokers are gross. They smell weird. I sleep too much. I get obsessed easily. I'm a guitarist, pianist, and a drummer. I'm complicated. You can find me at GDC [JimmyOfSuburbia]. I have trouble paying attention and focusing. I'm Canadian, and damn proud. Don't like me? Aw, that's too bad. Oh well, I didn't like you first. Dan Brown is a mighty rad author. Photoshop is fun. I constantly have music playing. I'm on the computer way too much. I wont change for anyone. I'm going to marry a rockstar. I'm going to be famous.
I'm just me. Don't like it? Too bad.
The Best Part Of Believe Is The Lie.
Best Friends Ex Friends To The End.