Elizabeth Anne
If you like what you see on here,
Please click the picture below for more!
My name is Elizabeth Anne
This is more than a talent of mine
This is more than a way to get some cash
This is more than seeing a beautiful picture
This is a life style, This is a dream
This is a new way of seeing creation
This is a way I seeing life
I create in my mind, and I try to photograph it
I see the Lords beauty,
And I try to get it into a picture - as beautiful as He's made it
I want to make you beautiful,
In a way you haven't seen
I want you to see the world in the way you dream of it
I want you to see that life is beautiful
No matter how much we've polluted it
I want to capture something that your heart is dying to get out
and I want you to see that the Lord wants you to enjoy His world
My dream and my passion is to show you a glimpse of the Lord's heart
And for you to understand His love for you
My photograph's aren't just pictures...
They are my life.
Please contact me at
[email protected]
for photography rates