wrestling, working out and any sport that isn't gay i love to participate in all activities
I've already got the woman of my dreams
Country is the way i roll
How good of a ninja are you?
Warrior Ninja
You don't rely on speed and agility like most ninja's do. You find that brute strength is your ultimate power. You make your enemies tremble in fear just by your size. You are the mountain of the ninja's.
How do you compare?
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I have no favorite movie there are too many to pick from.
what nightmare before christmas character are you?
Jack Skellington
Sweet. Sophisticated. Need I say more? Okay, he may be imaginary but he still lights those candles in our hearts. Zero is his companion, let us pray that Sally is still sewn together in one piece!
How do you compare?
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I like to watch cartoons,and some reallity shows my most favorite of all is the simpsons.
I love to read if i can find the time
My heroes are me dad and brothers