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About Me

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Bravery is not the absence of fear,
but the mastery of it. -John Berridge
I'm a Lover and a Fighter. My kryptonite is HEAT. I love to try new things.I like to put ink on paper. When it comes to bologna, I'm for it. I act dumb, but I'm not at all. Shooting: Great at pool, Okay at guns, Horrible at hoops. I like breasts. Big ones. I don't have a lot of friends, but I have a lot of family members I'm not related to. My life is an action/comedy. I hate running. I have the most AMAZING girlfriend.I tip too much. I prefer snow storms to beaches. Hip-Hop is for rabbits. If it's not rock'n'roll, I can't hear it. Frisbee golf is more fun than you might think. Nate is a Fudd-tompf. I'm really rich, I just can't find my money. Jesus was king long before Elvis. Fish tastes best when raw. Poker? OK. It looks easier on TV. Dane Cook is annoying. I'm a perfectionist 50% of the time. Often I feel like everyone is Against Me! and I am always up for the challenge. Katie is the only one for me... and Gina too.SometimesIjustneedsomespace. I like living on the edge, but I wouldn't build my house on a cliff. If I'm online, I'm probably naked. Not really. I like to win, I often lose. The only thing I've ever stolen was a girlfriend. I tie my shoes once when I buy them, then never again. Pluto will always be a planet to me. From everything bad, comes something good. Like my son. I like Martial's Artwork.
I never liked going to school, now I work at one. I've never said "yes" to drugs. Asian girls wok my world. I'm glad Uncle Sam isn't MY uncle. He's creepy. I wish I had a brother. My favorite shape is the octagon, but STOP signs suck. I was born on The 4th of July. I miss Mitch.If I can get a reaction from you, I will. I look good in purple. Mimes are boring. Men hate glitter! Ladies, don't wear it. Addictions are too expensive. I'm not afraid to die. I take naps. I love memories, good and bad.
TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE. I hate getting dirty. People don't understand me and that's understandable. I can fly!I wish I was taller. I think my parents did the best they could with the kids they were stuck with. When I'm alone, I drive too fast. I like to watch Katie sleep. I wish I made more money. I want to travel the world. I can rip a phonebook in half. My hair grows too fast. I can solve a Rubik's Cube in less than 3 minutes. I just discovered scrapple. I love my son.I think scars on women are sexy. I plan to stay happy from this day to my last. Peacocks "meow" like cats. I don't like team sports. I like girls that like girls. I was a private detective for over a year. If I don't do something perfect, I don't like to be commended. Ducks have the good life. I don't have any regrets and I hope I never will. Boxing:75-15-3 Bruce Lee would kill Chuck Norris, and he did in 1972, The Way of the Dragon.
I don't talk with God as much as I should. I refuse to send mail. I like every food but cantaloupe. I enjoy puking. My favorite subject was math. I used to make fun of Guitar Hero geeks, now I am one. I strive to be different. I like to do card tricks. WW-KZJ!-D? Girls say I smell good. I've had my nose broken four times, twice by the same man. I can rap better than I can wrap. I like to jump out and scare people. I have no secrets. If you have a question, ask me. I am awesome at lying, but more honest than most people you know. All these facts are true. There is only one KZJ! me.
God Bless - KZJ!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

-Theodore Roosevelt

My Blog


Sitting at the table. Staring her down. What do I have? What have I found?  I've got a couple of queens. She has a king. If I pay for the flop, what will it bring? It's thre...
Posted by on Wed, 16 Jul 2008 00:22:00 GMT

My "Friend"

The anticipation is overwhelming,knowing what is soon to be.We’re all alone, my heart is still,as your eyes look up to me.Both unrobed, you touch my skin,I feel so bad, I know it’s wrong.I...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 00:34:00 GMT

Just My Life

Speechless.With hope clogging the drain and a lump in my throat.A non-existent love, cut short of what it could have become.Two people from different places and similar minds,drawn together by similar...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 00:30:00 GMT

Just a Number

Living in their system to them you have no name.Other than a couple digits we are all the same.They find a fault within their plot and don’t know who to blame.So they mark your reputation and pu...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 00:08:00 GMT


A word to describe the things that we do,with the time that we have on Earth.When "life" is finished, we call it "death",when it begins, we call it "birth".Most of us, we live each day,assuming our li...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 13:00:00 GMT

The Way You Look At Me

I love the way you look at me,with this gun against your head.All the happiness you took from me,will return when you are dead.No memories I have of you,can compare to this right here.As I look into y...
Posted by on Thu, 11 May 2006 11:24:00 GMT

Why We Cry

Death.It can bring us happiness.It often brings us pain.But is it really that bad?I think not. Life.It can bring us happiness.It often brings us pain.But is it really that great?I think not. Life is w...
Posted by on Mon, 01 May 2006 00:42:00 GMT

Not This Time

Everytime you come around,You always try to bring me down,and normally I hit the ground.But not this time-And every time I try to say,That we’re thru, please go away,Eventually I let you stay.Bu...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 04:25:00 GMT

Hell on Earth

Demonic spirits fill the sky,it’’s image like a rash.The flames of evil whip the clouds.The sky embraces ash.The pressures of Hell now touch the earth.Our sins are burning bright.The azure...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 03:37:00 GMT

Time to Fight

It’s Wednesday night and time to fight.Will I get my ass kicked? I just might.But do I care? No, not at all.To become the best you have to fall.Now I’ve won a lot and I’ve lost a few...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 02:54:00 GMT