Being Happy, radiating positive energy, hanging with my family, Hiking Fryman, Martha stewart stuff, Harry Potter Books, Vintage Shopping, M Fredric Shopping, Shoe Shopping.. get the point, Mid day naps, wine with the ladies, watching football with the boys, massages, pedicures, and anything that involves relaxation.
I already met the most amazing woman ever - My Mommy. AKA The Donna!
Here's the T.O. Girls workin it to Cuote and I's Choreo...
Anything except classical because it reminds me of serial killers and all of the shitty rap that seems to be out these days.
Dirty Dancing, Princess Bride, Walk the Line, The Godfather.... and a ton more
BIG LOVE!!!!! super addicted, I hate Nikkie!!! Grays, Gossip Girl (gotta support chase), desperate housewives (gotta support my other son Shawn), project runway - please get keney off!
I'm working on this one
My Gorgeous wedding Dress!
My Beautiful God-Babies!!