BiLLy [tHE iNsTAnT cLaSSiC!] profile picture

BiLLy [tHE iNsTAnT cLaSSiC!]

THe ANsWeR iS NEvEr, yOU HeAR Me?NeVEr EvER!

About Me

it seems as though i yet again have let this thing get incredibly out dated, so here we go again with the update!for those of you who know me already know, or at least should know that i got married on Nov. 5th and am supposed to be having my daughter guilianna any day now!it's rather weird and sorta difficult to go from the goofy mo-fo in the group to being the responsible/working/MARRIED/daddy in the group, but i think i'm handling it pretty beautiful wife's name is danielle "brett."we met over a year ago, and i decided to go ahead and get it all done in one year and knock her up and get married!hahaha, j.k. nah but i love her alot more then i thought that it was capable to love and her got something special, and i value it and look forward to our life together for a long time to back to me for a second here!j.k.i'm a pretty chill guy who's into all sorts of music and tattoos and having a good time while taking care of his friends and if i honestly need to go into further detail about anything, then just ask me yo!other then that i'll talk to you all later, peace!

My Interests

*I LoVE yOU MAmAs!*My interests consists of tattoos, music, instruments, movies, dancing, and of course working out my upper ubioulus which connects to your dorsimous.It's boring i know, but it's my life! -Anchorman (again), Will Ferrell "I'Ve GoT THaT SnOW - MAn!" "nO SeRiOUsLy, I Do!" "LoOK @ GRaNdMa LOoKiN SExY! j/K" "i GOt Me A LiL SNoW BuNNy!" Take the quiz: "what kind of drug are you? (includes pictures)"

you are ketamine. special, trippy, outgoing and spiritual.and i don't think that it's that hard to find out who another one of my intersts is!!!but only cause she can rock that "alice in wonderland" outfit so well!MMmmMm TaSTy!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and everyone!Nah but seriously, only people who share the same interests as me, and who have no problem in being spoken to in broken dialogue from Will Ferrell movies.And if you somehow couldn't tell, i have a bit of an obsession.So if maybe somehow anyone could have gwen hit me up, then that would be FLIPPIN AWESOME!


"LOoK @ MoMMy GeTTiN REaDy FOr OuRS! hehehe!" "STrAiGhT LOuNgiN!" "PoPPa-DiDDy POp n I!" "Me n mY SiSTeR!" "My LiL NEiCe RoCKiN THe ToOThBrUsh!" "Me n BoTH oF mY SIsTeRs!"ToO MAnY tO LiST! EvERyThiNg FRoM MaRiLYn MaNSoN To G-UnIT. EVeRyThiNg ThAT YoUR LiTTlE HEaRt DEsIrEs, EsPEcIaLlY iF yOU HaVE AnYThInG To SAy AbOUt ThE QuEEnS Of THe StONe AgE!!!ThEN wE WiLL DeFInEtLY hAVe ALoT iN CoMMoN.AnD mY GoD Do I LoVE tHE BRaVeRy!i DoN'T KnOW wHY, BuT hEY WHy'S tHE SKy BlUE, WHy ArE BoOBs COoL?i DOn'T kNoW, THeY jUSt ARe!AnD NOw I cAN FiNAlLy ADmIt To aLL oF yOu OUt THeRe ThAT I aM An UNdErCoVeR EMo WHoRe.It'S StiLL iN THe BeGInNiNg StAGeS, BUt iT'S OffIcIAl.WoW i FeEL MUcH BeTTeR NOw!DaMN yOU HaWThOrNe HeIGhTs ANd aLL Of THoSe NeW SCrEaMo/EMo BaNDs THaT I'vE BeEn ExPOsEd TOo!I HaVE ALsO ReCEnTlY BEcOmE a CErTiFIeD CoHEeD anD CaMBrIa"N".MAn ThAT BAnD WiLL OnE DAy RuLE tHE WoRLd.ALoNgSiDE WItH QuEEnS oF THe StONe AgE oF CoURsE!


Anything to do with Will Ferrell. Alot of comedies and action flix.


C.S.I. and underground music channels.Not very hip on the whole t.v. thing.I tend to lean more towards movies and video games than anything.And of course, how could i even complete this section without puttin in my undercover girlfriend.*sorry tony parker and of course sorry to you too babe* but i had to do understand!


The Da Vinci Code.I also just got my hands on Anthony Kiedis' scar tissue, and that is a hell of a book.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4


Dennis Rodman, Felix Da Housecat, and Everyone at Big Daddy's. (Shout out!!!)ANd oF CoURsE My RoOMmAtE.SHe'S ThE FuCKiNg SHiT aND i LoVE hER To DeATh!ANd THaNk GoD fOR THeSe NEw PiCS oF My BoYS BAcK HoME.i ALmOsT FoRGoT WhAT iT WAs LiKE tO ACTUALLY PaRTy!LoVE THeSe MOtHeRfUCkErS!