Hello! My name is Elisha Keen. Yes, it is my actual name. If I was going to make up a stage name it' d be way cool and make me look mysterious. Nothing mysterious about Keen. ANYWAY thanks for visiting, and thanks for visiting again if you have visited already. It makes me think you're awesome. Actually, I have a sticker that I made for you that puts my affection for you in writing - come to a gig and pick it up from me, I've been carrying it around in my bag for like 3 weeks hoping we'd bump into each other. So, me - well, the UPDATED VERSION of Elishaville is that I am seeing the light at the end of my degrees tunnel - finishing a bachelor of music and a bachelor of arts/philosophy at the end of 09. I have some new songs up my sleeve and am hoping to get to play them for you and your friends once I am done handing in assignments. Right now I am arranging a 16 bar jazz waltz for a brass section. It's due on Thursday. Well... I'm not doing that RIGHT now, at this moment, I'm actually procrastinating instead.So I launched my first and so far only EP, "Love Soldier", which features all of the tracks available on myspace as well as one other, last August. Yeah that was pretty amazing. It certainly gave me an idea of what it takes to get really focused and invested in one's own career. I'm looking forward to doing the same thing with a full length CD sometime in the next couple years. The lag time can be blamed on my uni student level of finances - there are songs I'm pretty proud of and instrumentalists that I'm pretty proud to work with all ready to go. It's funny how the song writing thing works - I personally am simply unable to write about anything other than what I have directly experienced. For example, if I was forced to write a song right now, it'd probably be about a brass section and mint and ginger tea.My email address is
[email protected] for anyone who needs it for anything. I hope you like what you hear. I very much like when people say hello, so, if you've already come so far as to read the entirety of my babble, then maybe you might feel like doing so?img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/cindybolomey/SDjqlf7qrBI/AAAAAAAAA
CA/M9KlbcQKZqk/s400/20080320_cEK_02.jpg" width="80%" height="80%" hspace="10" vspace="10" align="left" border="0" /