RADIO CENTRAAL has been broadcasting innovative radio programmes for over 28 years. Centraal is based in Antwerp, Belgium. Obstinate and without publicity it represents a free haven for everyone with brains between their ears and rhythm in their feet. We twist on benevolence and offer independent critical journalism and musical brio. Centraal gives a voice to minorities, to disadvantaged groups in society, to young people, to artists, and other creative people.Being a non-commercial radio requires us to continually fight for our existence. Furthermore, although we are licensed as town radio, the government restricts our reach to a very limited range. As a result Centraal cannot even be listened to everywhere in Antwerp (and believe us, Antwerp is small). Radio Centraal is therefore looking for financial support to help us improve our broadcasting signal and live streaming through the internet, so that likeminded beyond Antwerp can also enjoy listening to Centraal (you for example). We would warmly welcome donations to make this a reality. To become a supporting member of Radio Centraal costs 5 euro per month (or 60 euro per year), but one-off donations are also welcome. Payments can be made on 736-3022744-94.The IBAN-code is BE87 7363 0227 4494, The BIC-code is KREDBEBB. Please mention 'Supporting member' or ‘One-off donation’.