Radio Centraal 106.7FM profile picture

Radio Centraal 106.7FM

About Me

RADIO CENTRAAL has been broadcasting innovative radio programmes for over 28 years. Centraal is based in Antwerp, Belgium. Obstinate and without publicity it represents a free haven for everyone with brains between their ears and rhythm in their feet. We twist on benevolence and offer independent critical journalism and musical brio. Centraal gives a voice to minorities, to disadvantaged groups in society, to young people, to artists, and other creative people.Being a non-commercial radio requires us to continually fight for our existence. Furthermore, although we are licensed as town radio, the government restricts our reach to a very limited range. As a result Centraal cannot even be listened to everywhere in Antwerp (and believe us, Antwerp is small). Radio Centraal is therefore looking for financial support to help us improve our broadcasting signal and live streaming through the internet, so that likeminded beyond Antwerp can also enjoy listening to Centraal (you for example). We would warmly welcome donations to make this a reality. To become a supporting member of Radio Centraal costs 5 euro per month (or 60 euro per year), but one-off donations are also welcome. Payments can be made on 736-3022744-94.The IBAN-code is BE87 7363 0227 4494, The BIC-code is KREDBEBB. Please mention 'Supporting member' or ‘One-off donation’.

My Interests


Member Since: 27/09/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: About 160.
Influences: Radio Centraal is radically distinctive and without equal in this fucked up world.
Sounds Like: Most immoral.
Record Label: Radio Centraal
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Check out this event: Le Sacre du Printemps

Hosted By:Radio Centraal evenementenWhen:13 March 2009Where:AntwerpenLa CampineCadixstraat Kempisch Dok Westkaai 382000Description:Radio Centraal zendt van 2009-03-13 t.e.m. 2009-03-21 negen dagen lan...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Mar 2009 05:49:00 GMT

Reaction from a fan of Radio Centraal 106.7FM.

Saturday, April 07, 2007Radio Centraal is a very small alternative radiostation in Antwerp. I discovered the station soon after they started broadcasting, so I've been listening ... for 26 years to th...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 20:16:00 GMT

Video Recordings from Radio Centraal 106.7FM.

Check out some video recordings from Radio Centraal 106.7FM in the video section on our MySpace profile. All of them were recorded in our studio during a show!
Posted by on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 14:30:00 GMT


Two Jamaican reggae stars want to have it both ways: they've signed a pledge to put an end to their songs calling for the murder of gays and lesbians -- and thus halt a successful boycott of their hat...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 18:08:00 GMT

Jamaican Homophobia: The Kosjer Meat Defence.

If you're a Jew with a fear of cooking, blame it on the Germans. Thanks to the Holocaust you likely have a near violent dread of baked goods, pizza and roast chicken. Tasteless notion? Somewhat outrag...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 10:47:00 GMT