PonG likes to greet everyone that stops by
and visits his yard,(unless he's SnoOzZzing!)
and he'll always eat your dandelion you pick for him
He's only a little over 2yrs old now(feb'05 b-day)
and is still just busy chompin' everything!
Go see his pics and his world,
play his videos and watch cartoons!
He's got it all here!
The Sulcata Tortoise is a grassland tortoise
which means he eats just grass and plants.
In native habitat its still possible for them tho
to pick up some extra protein from
a couple bites of dried rotted carcass, HyenaPooP
or some vegey eating bird/beast bleeach!,
We joined the Yahoo discussion group Sulcata Station
There are great ppl there and its fun.
more here: http://sulcata-station.org/basics.html
If your planning on getting a tort (or any animal)
do some research and double check sources.
Its well worth the life you are taking care of.
(you'd do the same for a human, right?)
I was making the mistake of feeding PonG BokChoy.
Not good!
I now personally grow all the RighT foods for him.
Its a great guarantee for both of us to be happy.
Sulcatas will grow to be very big for tortoises.
Usually up to 90-150 lbs.
They are the 3rd largest species in the world.
They are NoT biters, but they do have an
offense called RamminG! lol
Ramming is also associated with affection too btw.
Another way cool thing about Sulcatas are their
unique personalities, and because they dont hibernate,
you get to see them all the time!
PonG gets a new house pretty soon, so come back and EnjoY
and be a LongTime friend!