Ketsana profile picture


Change is constant and unpredictable...

About Me

A taste of me in my native tongue...
I took my first breath of life in the city of
During the course of my life
In random places...from random faces
I've been asked the following questions so many times...
What & Where is Laos 101
I love these beautiful proud women of Laos!
"What are you?"
I am Laotian...I am Lao Loom
They are also Laotians, representing:
Lao Suoong...............Lao Loom..............Lao Turrng
"Where are you from?"
I am from Laos,
the Land of Lanxang a.k.a. the Land of Million Elephants
Here's an elephant in Laos...I love elephants!
"Where is Laos?"
Southeast Asia
"Where exactly is that...Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia...?"
No, No, No...Laos is Laos.
"Oh, so it's a country?
Yes, Laos is a landlocked & landlinked country...
smack dabbed in the middle
boardering Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, and China
"Oh, so, are you mixed?"
Nope...Lao-Lao by blood and Lao-American by naturalization
I am here because of these twoLovebirds
"What is your name?"
"Last name?"
"What kind of name is that?...sounds like
Polish, Russian, Czech?"
It's a Laotian name
and I am Laotian...
Kahn Souphanousinphone is also Laotian...
Kahn and his family lives next door to
"King of the Hill" star, Hank Hill and his family.
This is a memorable sound bite...
Kahn tells it like it is...Hank doesn't get's like whaaaaaaaa...?....
there's no ocean in Laos...and...Laotian-not-included in
Chinese or Japanese...hello Hank!
Journey, Journey, Journey...
Every life is a journey,
and journey it is and has been for me.
Still going...

My Interests


Member Since: 9/26/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
Me and the Mega Studio Guys

Patuxay Monument - Vientiane, Laos

Gotta have our beautiful dancers!

My other stuff...made in Laos...
the making...

ELao presents SEK LOSO & Ketsana

U.S. and Laos share CenterStage Lao National Cultural Hall


"Memories of Yesterdays Make Us See a Better Tomorrow".

"Gu Larp Paksun" a.k.a. Rose of Paksun...A twist of Blues in Laos

Grand Finale Concert commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the
establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the United States and Laos.
Hosted by the US Embassy
in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Produced by Ketsana
in collaboration with the Ministry of Information and Culture

U.S. - Laos Relations US Embassy, Vientiane Laos Ketsana Bio
U.S. - Laos Relations US Embassy, Vientiane Laos Progams and Events


Cheers to ALL of YOU Rockstars!!!

Sounds Like:

...pronounced (Kat-Sa-Na) in English
and pronounced (Gate-Sa-Na) in Lao, is my given birth name.

Soulaphathana my middle name. Soula is my grandmother's first name.
Phathana means Progression "moving on to bigger and better things"...making the impossible possible.

Often, I've been asked, "What is the meaning of your name?"
Should your time permit, please partake in the meaning of Ketsana.

Designed by S.K.Y.

To my knowledge:
Ketsana is a name of a rare tree in Laos
and its costly scented wood makes perfumes.

According to NASA Visible Earth, Earth Observatory, and Natural Hazard,
a typhoon born on Oct. 19, 2003 in Asia was named Ketsana .
And NOPE, I did not discover her.
I'm innocent!

Well, there you have it.
For those that have asked and will ask...
The meaning of Ketsana, Ketsana
I came from the land of delicious food, beautiful people,
unforgettable traditions and unique cultures!
What more can one ask for!
It's all good!

To have to go.
Once you make entry, you will discover the beauty
within' the deepest beauty of my Motherland, Laos.
You Will Fall in Love with her!
Remember to bring a Heart that can Learn to Love!

Sok Dee & Huk Pheng!
Peace, Love, & Happiness!

Record Label: Indie
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


When it's're ALL invited!!!If you're ready for the BIG DAY, please check out the Wedding page...www.khamphaphotography.comHe's definitely doing my BIG DAY!!!For your other special events, c...
Posted by Ketsana on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 02:28:00 PST

Sights and Sounds of my Motherland, Laos - Meet Lao-American Photojournalist, Khampha Bouaphanh

Sights and Sounds of Southeast AsiaPhoto Illustration by Khampha Bouaphanh for Star-Telegram"Sights and Sounds of SouthEast Asia"Lao Traditional Instrumental Music provided by Ketsana: "Luirm Muang La...
Posted by Ketsana on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 03:05:00 PST

Old News is Better than NO NEWS...My Motherland, Laos

Anthony Bourdain "No Reservations" in Laos Where in the World is Matt Lauer? MSNBC http:/...
Posted by Ketsana on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 02:41:00 PST